Chapter One

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Sungra's POV

I walked a bit lonely through the crowded streets of Seoul. So many new faces, not that I had known everyone in Busan that would be insane. No but in Busan I felt like I found my place. Now I have to start again but I guess it was for the best. At least it was my own wish to move to Seoul ... well maybe the half of it was my wish.

Like in Busan I stopped at a coffee shop and ordered my favourite drink, Cappuccino with extra milk, whipped cream and hazelnut syrup. Yeah what should I say, I'm kinda affected to this drink.

Five minutes later the delicious steam warmed up my face and I quickly took a huge sip of the warm liquid. I left the coffee shop with a smile on my lips and went on. With my warm coffee cup in the hand I neared my new workplace.

I would have lied to myself if I would say that my stomach wouldn't flip at the thought off my first day at work. I really hoped that my new team members are nice and I would make a good first impression. My feet stopped in front of a little building when you would compared it to the huge skyscrapers of Seoul.

I think that most of the people who don't search for it would just walk bye that simple and unremarkable building. So I reached for my phone and checked the address once again to be truly sure about it.

So here it was my new life. I took the last sip of my cappuccino and tossed the cup in a nearby rubbish bin. Before I opened the door I tightened the belt of my dark trenchcoat. In the reflection of the glass door I also quickly checked my appearance.

The door didn't open as I pushed against it, so I started to search for the doorbell on the wall. There it was 'S.S.A.T.' wrote in a small sized lettering on it. I gently pushed the doorbell and waited what for what would happen next.

Suddenly the door flew open. A bit hesitant I took a step forward. The lobby was in plain black and white shades. In the middle of the lobby deemed the elevator.

I stepped up to the elevator and the doors automatically opened. I quickly moved into the elevator and the doors directly shut behind me. The elevator actuated and I nervously fiddled on my handbag.

The motion stopped and I remembered me about my own quote 'Don't fall in love Sungra.' Then the doors flew open and I looked in a friendly face of a brown-haired man.

Jonghyun's POV

"What do you think she will look like?" asked a totally hyperactive Key.

"I don't know her old team didn't send any photos of her." I answered with a laugh because of Key's huge excitement.

"Minho what are you thinking? What will she look like? After all she's your new partner." asked Key and turned towards Minho who just stared at his office table.

"I don't care Key. It's not that I need a new partner especially not a girl." He muttered in a harsh tone without looking up from his table.

"Minho don't be that grumpy. I bet she is a really nice and hardworking girl and I think you should give her at least a chance to prove it to you." said Taemin in a calm voice towards Minho.

"Yah you really should. I mean she has no fault on this whole situation Minho. And for the record Minho you need a new partner. Everyone has one, there are Key and Onew and Taemin and I and you can't be alone." I added after Taemin finished his little speech.

"I can work alone! I don't need help don't forget that I'm the fittest from all of you. How could help me a girl at all?" Minho shouted and left the room.

"It's unbelievable how angry he is about himself ... even after a month. " whispered Onew and we all nodded sadly.

"I think she will be absolutely cute and will calm our angry, flaming charisma Minho like nothing!" added Key full of hope and lighted up the mood.

"It's like she heard us haha she just arrived." I announced towards the team after our bell rang.

"Yeay!" squeaked Key and hopped excitedly.

"I will go and get her!" said Onew and looked at me for my permission before he went to our elevator to greet her.

"Do that Onew. I guess Key would only creep her out with his excitement." I laughed and earned a pout from Key.

Yeay the first Chapter is done ! I really hope you can enjoy this story I will do my very best :) And again a shout out to my bestie Joy_infires if you haven't checked her dope FanFic then do it :D Thanks to everyone who reads my stuff ♡

S.S.A.T. (Seoul's Special Agent Team) [SHINee FF]Where stories live. Discover now