Chapter Nine

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Minho's POV

This get together with Sungra caught me really out of guard. I mean why do I have to bump into her while all I wanted was to do my workout?

She disturbed me, she even annoyed me a bit with her desperate trying to get along with me ... but even then she looked beautiful and damn ... this outfit on her body ...

Yah Minho get your act together! She has to be insane to still get to know me and be nice to me after my behaviour. And still she had that cute little smile with a light touch of dimples on her lips as we crushed together. Maybe I need to be a bit more rude? But being like this is already a torture towards myself ...

Or maybe she learned her lessons. But what if she really hates me now? Sungra is in so many ways like her ... isn't it normal that I don't act normal?

This interruption took me some time so I hurried a bit to get my workout done so I would have enough time to take a shower.

After a quick breakfast I made my way towards the underground station. I went further down the station and just arrived the second as the doors were about to close.

I heard how a woman came with an heavy breath to a stop right next to me. I was curious so I turned around to have a quick look.

As soon as I looked at two big shining eyes I already regretted my plan to turn around. Right beside me stood Sungra and she looked at me as I was some kind of ghost.

I stared at her face that was frozen but still beautiful. I caught myself and turned away from her as soon as possible. To be even more clear I took a step to the side to get more space between us.

But it wasn't enough so I just made my way to another line to wait for the approaching train. Quite satisfied with the space between the two of us I waited for the train.

I took a quick glance towards Sungra and according to that cute frown on her face she seemed to think about something. I looked at her frame and I have to admit at the first glance she didn't look like someone who can keep up with me. I have to admit I'm quite impressed by her hard try to stay right behind me a few hours early. She really gave me a hard time being faster than her and I really needed to push myself.

Finally the train arrived and I stepped with the mop of other people inside. In the train I had to discover that Sungra was right in my view so I couldn't to something else as watching her.

What was she thinking about? She looked straight forward and seemed totally lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she kinda woke up from her thoughts  and searched in her handbag. A few seconds later she took her phone out. 

As soon as her eyes focused on her phone display a massive frown formed on her face and she throwed her phone with an angry face back in her bag. Why would she act like that? She wasn't even that furious as I was that rude to her. This message has to bother her more than my behaviour ... 

The rest of the train ride Sungra had a serious look on her face and played with her fingers. I felt a bit bad for her ... whatever ruined her mood I bet she didn't deserve it all. 

In the act of leaving the train our shoulders collieded even when I made sure to leave my sit a few seconds early than her to get faster out. But after this collusion she didn't even looked in my direction, I guess she already knew that it was me.

Without a second glance or a word she left the train and left me alone in the mop of people. I made my way through the ocean of people and ended up being quite near Sungra again. I chuckled a bit, was that a joke? Why does it seem like we end up together all the time? I tried to not think further about that and walked with a bit of distance behind her. 

Okay I give up ... I planned this chapter way better (even when it's not that of an important chapter) but after rewriting it like six times ... I will just leave like that haha :D So sorry of it's awful for you :/

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