Chapter Seven

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Minho's POV

"Annyeong haseyo I'm Choi Minho I have an appointment" I said to the young girl behind the reception.

"Annyeong Mr.Choi you can go straight into room number 3." she giggled and swirled a strand of hair around her finger while she drooled about me.

"Gamsa hamnida." I smiled politely and went to the direction she said before.

I guess she still has hopes that I would magically fall in love with her. But ever since I come here to check on my wound I turned her down politely.

I sat on the empty seat in the room and looked at the white wall. I really hoped that I get the okay today. I already felt that my muscles suffered under all this. I need to stay fit for my job. I already made a workout plan in my mind so I would get my old shape back as soon as possible.

"Minho why so serious?" chuckled Dr. Han.

"Annyeong Dr. Han. I'm just planning my workout schedule." I answered while I reached for his hand to give him a proper greeting.

"Yah, Minho, you're so eager to workout. But still don't lie about it, okay? I'm positiv that everything should be okay by now but let's have a look." said Dr. Han while he gestured towards the stretcher in the corner.

I removed my shirt like I did all the times before and went to the stretcher to lay down. I made myself as comfortable as I could and waited for Dr. Han to finally check on me.

"Yah! Minho even after all this time holding still you're in such a glorious shape others would die for. You really didn't work out in secret?" rambled Dr. Han and nudged my shoulder friendly.

"Ani and for the record I feel how my fitness is shrinking, so please give me an okay." I said with a huff and looked on the white wall again.

With that he finally reached for my wound. He stretched and pushed around it and listened very closely to every sound I made. And this time I didn't need to hold any breath or press my lips together because of the pain.

"Well I would say it healed perfectly. You should be fine and the scare will fate eventually. But I guess in your job it only makes you look hotter and more dangerous." said Dr. Han satisfied with a laugh at the end while he washed his hands.

"That means I can do my normal workout schedule?" I asked excited like a little boy on christmas.

"Ne. But as soon you feel any pain or -..."

"Then I will come immediately to you Doc. I know." I ended his speech.

I grabbed my shirt and put it back on. I was ready to leave but Dr. Han had something else in mind and put a hand on my shoulder.

"And the other wound Minho?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine." I said and shaked his hand off.

"Minho ..." he started still concerned.

"Is there anything else? If not I have some workout to do." I said way to cold and stepped towards the door of the room.

"Minho don't blame yourself for what happened ... you couldn't do anything..." he spoke but I didn't hear the rest because I left.

Sungra's POV

"Yah! Please be careful with that box." I said for the hundreds time.

My little flat is full with boxes and furniture by now and it's barely impossible to move around without bumping into something.

As I walked with the last box in my flat is have a strange feeling in my stomach.

"Mrs. Lee we're done. Have a nice evening and sorry that you had to skip your plans." apologised the boss of the company.

"Gamsa hamnida. You worked hard." I said and closed the door behind him.

As I turned around I let wander my sight over all this brown boxes that held my life in it.

How long will it takes till everything is back in order...? Not only the jungle of brown boxes but also my life. I guess I have to wait and see.

I took the first box in reach and opened it. Let's get started.

Jonghyun's POV

"You like Sungra right ...?" I asked Joy as we sat in the kitchen of our flat.

"Yeah as much as you can like someone who you met for the first time. But why are you asking?" answered Joy while she came a bit closer towards me.

"So you can imagine becoming friends with her?" I asked hopefully.

"Ne, I guess. But what is this all about?" she asked a bit puzzled.

"I just thought that it would be nice to have you as a friend when Minho gives her such a cold shoulder. You know that she knows that it's not her who is the problem but Minho." I explained while I played with the almost empty water glass in front of me.

"Ah now I get it where are you coming from." laughed Joy while she sat herself on my lap.

"Don't worry I have nothing against the idea to spend time with Sungra and become friends with her."

"But I have to worry I mean I'm the leader of our team so it's my responsibility to take care of my members so they feel comfortable. And I guess with Minho being such a jerk Sungra doesn't feel comfortable. I mean what if she wants to leave the team because of that ... that would be horrib-" I got interrupted by a pair of lips on mine.

"I got it you're concerned and you care for your team but you're worrying too much. They just met give them some time. We all know Minho and I bet that he can't keep this jerk mask on for long." said Joy while she got up from my lap.

"Yah! Where do you think you're going?" I pouted at the loss of contact.

"Well instead of worrying about such a thing when I have my free night you could take care of me." winked Joy while she was already at the door.

"Hurry up I don't wait the whole night for some attention." chuckled Joy and I felt how her T-shirt hit my face.

"Oh you don't have to say that twice!" I said eager and I was already at the door where she was just moments ago.

"Believe me taking care of you is my priority" I muttered and chased after her towards the bedroom.

Okay I have so many ideas for this story that I really don't know how to get them in a good and logical order haha :D my inspiration is overloaded haha :)

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