Chapter Three

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Onew's POV

"I guess I have to talk to Minho and Sungra." I mumbled more to myself while we were on our way to a little chinese restaurant for lunch.

"Why?" asked a half dreaming Key while he hugged me tight.

"Wouldn't it be sad if Minho would scare off Sungra with his present angry and cold acting. Minho needs someone even when he denies it and Sungra should know that Minho isn't such a cold jerk like he acts in the moment." I explained with a concerned look. I was really worried about my bestfriend and for Sungra I had compassion I mean Minho really didn't give her his sunny side earlier in the office.

"So you want to be the little chubby baby with diapers and an arc or what babe?" laughed Key and gave me a short but sweet kiss.

"Maybe but without the diaper, arc and chubby part haha ... I think that Minho really needs some love in his life and who knows maybe Sungra is this lucky girl. I mean love doesn't harm anybody. Look at us, we love each other without pain." I said with a smile to Key, still dazzled from his sweet kiss.

"Oh really sometimes you can be really harsh Onew..." said Key cheekily and with a wink.

"Key ..." I looked at him with some sort of astonishment that comment really caught me out of guard.

"You will do great, I know it babe." encouraged me Key and simply left his previous topic with another kiss. The others were still a bit away so we just continued our kiss session in front of the restaurant while we waited for the others.

Key caught my bottom lip with his teeth and tugged at it.

"Who's now the one with the harsh side babe?" I laughed and gave Key's little bum a playfull squeeze.

Taemin's POV

For the fifth time I tried to call Kai. Where the hell was he and why the hell didn't he answered his phone. And now I sounded like some jealous clingy boyfriend but there was also the problem. I'm still not his boyfriend! Even after ...

"He still doesn't answer his phone?" asked Jonghyun with a kindly smile.

"Ani..." I answered with a dramatic pout.

"I know this feeling. I also totally flip out when I can't get my babe on the phone." Jonghyun tried to lighten up my mood.

"But at least you two are together..." I pouted.

"Just together..." chuckled Jonghyun.

"Okay fine you two are even engaged!" I half shouted.

"Taemin what makes you so angry? I thought Taekai is on cloud nine?" asked Jonghyun with some concern in his voice.

"We are, at least I know that I'm definitely on cloud nine but ..." I quietly spoke to Jonghyun.

"But?" inquired Jonghyun.

"You know we have fun, share sweet kisses, cuddle together, he still takes me out on beautiful dates and oh the sex is so amazing really there is nothing better tha-..." I went into raptures but I got stopped with a cough from Jonghyun and an amused expression.

"Ehm hehe sorry ... but you would understand me if-... Okay I will just stop." I chuckled.

"The mean point is that he still hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend ... and I start to get nervous what if I'm just a little fill-in because there are so many other attractive men outside and now he even doesn't answer his phone." I finally admitted.

"Oh Taemin... first of all you are such an amazing and attractive person that he would be a fool to use you as a fill-in or doesn't ask you to be his boyfriend. And believe me I will kick his ass if he dares to do this! Maybe he's just in some meeting? I mean you are also not always available when you're at work right?" Jonghyun tried to cheer me up.

"That's true but still..." I still confessed with a sad look. I always try to look at my phone to see if he wrote or called me.

"Come here." said Jonghyun and tugged me in an encouraging hug.

"Aww my JongTae feels, how can you two dare to be so cute together!" chuckled a well-known voice.

"Babe! You're already here" shouted Jonghyun with a loud laugh.

"Seems like it otherwise I wouldn't have seen this adorable JongTae hug." she sassed back with a laugh at the end.

Just in that moment I felt how my phone started to vibrate. I quickly looked at my display and I instantly smiled and my anger was completely gone. Jonghyun looked once again towards me.

"I guess you're fine now. I will tell the others that you're coming a bit later" he winked before he made his way towards the entry of the restaurant where his fiancée and the others already waited.


Another Chapter is up (I have to admit is more like a filler but still) ! :D  And again bc of ma bored bestie haha ;) I tried to be a bit sassy but I don't know if it worked out good ... I'm not that good with such things haha. Let me know if should try again or should I just stay far far far away from it haha :D 

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