Chapter Ten

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Taemin's POV

"Kai, I really need to go now." I whined still a bit out of breath. I tried to move away from his warm naked body but his strong arms made it impossible to move.

"You can't be serious!? We just had an amazing night and morning ... you can't just go!" pouted Kai back.

This action made me laugh because just moments ago he was far away from being the 'sweet-pouty-boyfriend'. Well I saw him as my boyfriend but he never said it out loud.

"Why are you laughing? We can go on with having an amazing morning ..." Kai suggested seductive and start planting kisses on my naked shoulder.
His hands wandered to my small hips and just pushed me nearer towards him.

"... Kai" I whined-moaned. This man is evil and so sexy.

"Why don't you want to stay in bed with your boyfriend ?" asked Kai again and kissed my already burning  skin at my neck.

"You just said boyfriend!" I half-shouted and turned around in a matter of seconds. Kai seemed to be surprised by my sudden reaction that he stopped his kisses and looked at me like I would have two heads.

"Yeah I did? Why wouldn't I? I mean we are a couple aren't we?" he asked now with big eyes.

"Sure but I never thought that you would say it out loud ... you seemed a bit distant lately. Besides that you or I never asked the other one out." I mumbled and look into his eyes.

Suddenly he loosened his wrap around me and sat up in bed. Great now I said the wrong thing ... but before I had the chance to apologise he placed himself on top of me and took my face in his soft hands.

"Lee Taemin would you do me the favor of being my boyfriend? Because that's what I want besides the wish to stay in bed with you a little longer." Kai smirked over me.

I was speechless. Did he really just ... ?
Does this mean ... Oh my gosh it's like all the prayers I did were finally heard.

"Ne, of course. Of course." I almost cried and crashed our lips together.

We kissed a bit longer and Kai knew exactly how to push my buttons ...

"So you still want to go to work babe?" he whispered while we took a little break to get some air.

"Ne." with that I crashed my lips hungrily on his. I felt how Kai smirked in our kiss.

"Good answer. Because I still have so much in mind what we can do ..." whispered Kai on my trembling lips.

I was going to be real late today but come on he's my boyfriend and who can say no to his sexy boyfriend ... ? Well I can't ...

Jonghyun's POV

As I arrived I couldn't find Taemin which was strange because normally he was there before me or at least with me. I called him but it went straight to the voice mail.

I couldn't worry too much because just a few seconds later Sungra arrived.

"Annyeong Jonghyun." greeted me Sungra with a warm smile.

"Annyeong Sungra." I greeted her friendly back. I searched for Minho because I thought they would come together to work but I guess I was wrong.

"Minho didn't come with you?" I asked her to make the obvious situation more obvious.

"Ani, we were in the same train but I guess he is still on his way. Maybe he has some things to do." she answered quickly.

"Maybe." I mumbled completely out of mind.

"Anyway I will show you around." I smiled towards her and meant for her to follow me ...

"And that's your table." I finished our little trip around the office.

"It's really a nice office you have here. And such an amazing view." she said referring to the big window in front of us.

"Annyeong!" I heard Onew and Key entering the office.

Sungra and I turned around and also greeted the two in front of us.

"Sungra how did you sleep. You had a good night?" asked Onew and smiled towards Sungra.

"How is the unpacking going on? You really don't need any help?" added Key bubbly.

"Ne, everything is fine. But go ma sseum ni da." smiled Sungra.

"We need to show her around!" suggested Key enthusiastic.

"No need to, I already gave her a tour around." I stopped Key from his idea.

I heard heavy steps and turned towards the source of sound. Minho stood in the door and watched us as we surrounded Sungra.

"Annyeong Minho." I greeted him and with that the others went quiet and also looked in Minho's direction.

"Annyeong." greeted Minho all of us and made his way towards his table. Since his table was right next to Sungra's he wasn't far away from us.

"Why weren't you with Sungra?!" scolded Onew him as soon as he sat on his chair.

"I had to do a few things. And I'm not a her babysitter after all she's a special agent she can look after herself." he said calmly but still a bit tempered.

To get over this tensed atmosphere I quickly changed the topic.

"Minho what came out at the doctor about your wound?"

"Everything is fine. I will soon be back at my old shape. I will work hard." said Minho.

"Does this mean he stops being so rude to Sungra?" whispered Key into Onew's ear.

Minho just looked up with a blank face and said nothing.

"Did anyone of you saw or talked to Taemin?" I changed the topic again.

"Ani why? Isn't he already here?" asked Key with a shocked expression.

Everyone shaked their heads and I was as clueless as before. What if something bad happened to him?

Before I could imagine any horror scenarios we heard hectic steps and there he was.

Taemin looked like a mess with red heated cheeks. His hair was totally messy and stood in almost every direction. His shirt was not fully closed and everything looked like he rushed into his clothes without taking a second glance into any mirror.

"Joesong hamnida!" said Taemin out of breath.

"Taemin what happened to you?!" asked Sungra totally shocked.

"Nothing ..." blushed Taemin.

"Yah Teamin I guess I know what happened to you ... What's his name?" smirked Onew.

"Blame my boyfriend for me being such a mess!" blushed Taemin while he let out a little laugh.

"Aww I'm happy for you." smiled Sungra.

"You have to tell us everything! Our little maknae has a boyfriend how excited! Well besides your look speaks otherwise than you being a innocent little maknae." squeaked Key excited.

"His name is Kai..." smiled Taemin with a dreamy expression.

"You mean this sexy guy I saw you with once?" asked Key excited.

"Ah Key ... I'm jealous!" pouted Onew.

"Onew you know that you're the sexiest man for me!" laughed Key and gave Onew's pouty lips a quick kiss.

"Still I don't want that my Kibum calls any other man sexy ..." grumbled Onew and pressed Key into his side.


Another finished chapter *0* and the beginning *blushing* never thought to write something for public or ... jeez I hope you like the chapter!
Enjoy Xx

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