Chapter Twelve

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Jonghyun's POV

"Was it a mistake to send them together to a mission? What are you thinking Taemin?" I asked Taemin concerned.

"Hm ... I really don't know. Minho is not himself so we can't really count on him and his behaviour." he answered unsure.

"Yeah but what gets him so worked up?! He has to get his act together ... mean for now Sungra seems to handle his attitude but it can't go on like this." I said a bit angry.

"Jonghyun just give Minho a bit more time to warm up. I guess he is much softer inside than we all thought and the past events got more to him than we could even imagine." said Taemin and kicked a little rock aside.

"Maybe you're right. I just hope that Sungra gets to him. She seems to me like the right one." I said and also kicked a stone aside.

"I'm sure this mission helps them to bond. Maybe right now Minho and Sungra already get along perfectly fine." encouraged Taemin me.

- Meanwhile -

Sungra's POV

"Aish how clumsy can you even be?!?!" hissed Minho and gave me a death glance while I just hold my shoulder that just bumped into a shelf and let a few glasses fell down.

"Yaah if you wouldn't-" I wanted to hiss back but Minho interrupted me in his rude manner.

"I don't want to hear it. That's you're fault and not mine. You not just put yourself into danger also all of us! What if they capture you hm?!" he half-shouted angry.

"You're such a burden! You can't even check a place out without making mistakes! What can you even do without messing up?! What did I to deserve such a mess? Really I would rather be on my own than have a partner like you ... why can't I have my partner back, I could count on her unless you!?" he added way more furious.

I was taken back by this comment. I mean he wasn't that wrong ... BUT hell that doesn't give him the right to speak like that about me!

"If you're other partner is so much better than me why can't I see her?! Maybe you crueled her away with your asshole-behaviour! Maybe I'm a bit clumsy but at least I'm not such a rude jerk like you! Your partner was smart to leave you!" I let my frustration out.

"You know absolutely nothing ..." whispered Minho and turned around and was about to leave me in the dark factory hall.

I just stood there and watched him as he left with quick steps.

Great just continue acting like a jerk and leave me here on my own! Out of frustration I kicked the nearest thing in reach what happens to be the shelf with the glasses. Or maybe I was really over the top with that comment.

Well ... now that Minho won't come back I also made my way towards the exit. But I had that sudden uncomfortable feeling to be watched by someone. I shrugged it off and went outside of the old factory. Outside I only saw the tracks of Minho's car that left without me ... great!

So how am I about to get home now? I looked around to recognise anything familiar. I was about to let out a huff as I remembered that I live in the 21th century ... including phones with GPS function. I quickly pulled my phone out and tipped my adress in it.

As soon as I saw the route I was surprised that it would take me that long. The ride in Minho's car didn't seem so long at all.

I started my walk with glued eyes on my phone. I walked for 15 minutes till I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I mumbled quickly.

"Won't you even give me a chance? I'm sure I'm way more attractive than your phone." said this someone in a playfully voice.

"Who do you think you are?" I said a bit annoyed.

"Yah that's not the reaction I normally get" he smirked with black sunglasses in his hand.

"What reaction are you expecting? It's not like I would know you." I snapped back.

"Forget about it ... I have to admit I like your reaction more." he said and smiled fondly towards me.

"Yaah what a person are you? You creep me out ..." I said and made more space between us. But the longer I looked at his features I had to admit that he look familiar to me.

"Just have a nice day!" he said with a wink and smirk before he put his black sunglasses back on and went missing in the crowd of people.

What a creep ... But his face looked familiar to me. I couldn't really wrap my finger around it so I just moved on.

As I waited for the green light as anyone else, I let my sight wander around. Till something caught my eye. The something was a bright shining screen with a man holding a beer bottle in his hand.

There ... now I know why he looked kinda familiar. The commercial screen showed me the the same man that had smirked at me just moments ago.

Song Joong Ki ... I just met the uprising idol Song Joong Ki and didn't even realised it and even snapped at him. Minho isn't that wrong I'm really clumsy and stupid ...

Joy_infires a new chapter just for you haha :D you said it doesn't matter what I will write and you would be fine with anything .... but I really didn't thought that I would turn out that lame haha :D I apologise for that!
But I guess something interesting is coming up in the next chapter ^^

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