Chapter Five

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Joy's POV

After everyone finally decided what to order the loud conversations kinda died down and some awkward silence took her place. I really hate awkward silence.

"Sooo ... is this how our lunch will be ? Awkward silence?" I pointed the obvious situation out.

"Joesong hamnida, I guess it's me who causes this silence right? I know that you all are a group with inside jokes and special topics to talk about. Just do whatever you do I will just listen and maybe I can even join you at some point." babbled Sungra.

Sure I knew that situation. A new one in an old group of friends always causes some awkwardness. But where's the problem we can talk that awkwardness away and I think Sungra is a nice girl so what should hold us back?

"As you say we already have some inside jokes so it's time to make some new ones including you." I said to her with a smile.

"Come on tell us something about you! We want to get to know you" laughed Key.

"Ne, don't be shy because if you are shy you are wrong here." I laughed.

"Yah, tell us your dirty secrets! " laughed everyone around me.

Sungra's POV

I laughed about that and thought about some facts I could tell that weren't too personal or too dirty. While I searched through my mind for some interesting things my sight wandered through the room.

The restaurant had a simple furniture and decoration but it was still really comfortable. I already liked that place even when I hadn't tasted the food yet.

I felt watched and so I turned my head to see that Minho was intensely watching my face with little crinkles of frustration forming on his perfect face.

Did I really said perfect ! Oh no that's not good at all. He's ugly and not even worth to look twice. Okay that's a big lie as I would say water is not wet.

I just decided to look away and was about to start with some details about me when I got interrupted by the young waitress.

"Your food." announced she while she gave everyone a steaming plate.

We all thanked her and she left to serve other customers.

"Chiiicken!" screamed Onew before he digged his fork into his chicken and grinned like an idiot.

"Onew loves chicken to death." chuckle-whispered Taemin into my ear.

"Well then his reaction makes sense." I laughed.

I looked onto my plate that was full with delicious smelling noodles and vegetables.

For now I didn't need to answer any questions about me because everyone was enjoying their meals. And I also digged into my delicious noodles.

I watched Joy and the longer I looked at her I started to question myself where she comes from. Because obviously she wasn't a korean girl, maybe I should just ask her.

"Joy? Can I ask you something?" I asked her in a low shy voice.

"Sure. Go on gurl." she said after she took a sip from her coke.

"I was just wondering ... don't get me wrong that is no offense against you. " I started to speak.

"Okay now I'm scared and curious, I can't decide between them." laughed Joy.

"Well where are you from because obviously you aren't a korean, right?" I told her my question.

"Haha you don't miss something right? !" laughed Joy and took another sip from her coke.

"Yeah Mrs. Sherlock you are right. I'm from America. To be exact I'm from Nebraska, I mean America is quite big" she enlightened me with a laugh at the end.

"And why are you so far away from America? I mean America and South Korea are two different boots. " I asked out of curiosity.

"Haha you're curious." laughed Joy for a moment.

"Well, it's all because of the music. I got interested into the people, country and speaking and then I decided why not start to sing here. I mean my chances in America weren't so much better. So I gave it a try and I came here about 2 years ago and yeah." explained Joy towards me.

"And one day, we met eachother. It was in this coffee shop where she sang and I was immediately in love with her and her voice. You should hear her! She's amazing, you need to make some time to visit her." said Jonghyun full of pride.

"Oh shut up, Jonghy. I'm okay nothing more or less. Sungra just ignore him." laughed Joy.

"But you are also not from here, right?" switched Joy the topic.

"Ne, that's true. I lived the first 10 years of my life in England before I came to Busan." I explained.

"Why where you in England?" asked Onew before he took another bite of his chicken.

"My mom was a british lady and my dad a korean. And they met in London and fell so hard in love that my dad moved to England. And after 10 years my mam wanted me to get to know my dad's roots. So we moved again this time to Busan where my dad lived once. " I said with some sadness.

"When you say 'was' ... you mean they are death?" asked Minho with his deep voice.

That caught me so out of guard that I just starred at him for a few seconds. He can speak without being mean.

"Yeah ... they are death." I said slowly and looked direct into Minho's eyes.

Immediately everyone gave me a sympathetic smile. 'Death' is such a mood killer, I guess our funny mood is gone.

We finished our meals and at some point we also started a new funnier conversation. Well some of us ... Key and Onew were lost in eachother.

And don't get me start with Minho. He just sat there and looked at the table as it would be the most interesting thing in the world. How can I crack that shell to at least work normal with him?

"Where is your flat by the way?" asked Taemin.

"Yeah we need to know who will have the pleasure to lead you home after work." said Jonghyun while his arm was around Joy's shoulder.

At this sentences Minho looked up and starred at me. And I could tell that this wasn't a look out of curiosity it was more like a 'everything-but-please-not-me' look.

Thanks to you gentleman ... Am I really that bad? Well if he is always that way and he won't warm up then this home walks will be really long and horrible. Or I will just walk on my own, I mean I'm in a special agent team.

My first chapter that I have written on my phone haha yeay :D
And I want to make a shout out to ma bestie for reading and voting that shit I call mine haha :D love u biish ;*

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