Yandere high chp 10

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"So basically you guys went on a date" Hiyori said as she and June were walking to school. "No. It was more of a friendly outing with Yuuya" June says. "Uh huh, suuuuure" Hiyori said sarcastically "how do you know it wasn't a date?". "Because he didn't say it was a date" June says as they arrive at the store. "That doesn't mean it wasn't a date!" Hiyori said, little frustrated at the conversation "let's change the subject". "Alright, what do you want to talk about?" June asks as they payed for their food. "Well..
Tamaka told me something yesterday" Hiyori said "he said he can only tell it to his friends who are girls". "What did he say?" June asks. "Tamaka said he'd tell you later, after school" Hiyori said as they arrived at the school. "How come you can't tell me?" June asks as she got her book from her bag, placing it on her desk. "Tamaka said it was personal and, I quote, wanted you to hear it from the horse's mouth" Hiyori said just before the bell rings, signaling for class to start.

Later during art/food class...

"Alright class" sensei says "I want you students to partner up with the person on your left and prepare a dish that's artistic on flavor and appearance". June looks to her left and sees Sebastian, still wearing his bandana. "I'll get the flour "he said, getting up to go to the pantry, then grabbing the flour, he returns to the table. Sebastian then tries to open the bag " this bag is being a little piece of..." He says, frustrated, when the bag finally opens, poofing alot of flour in his face. Coughing and waving her hand in the air, June notices Sebastian in pain "it's in my eyes!" He yells "it's behind my contacts too!". "Then take out your contacts" June says "then rinse your eyes out with water". Sebastian then, clumsily, removes his contacts, revealing his true eye color. Sebastian's left eye was sky blue, the other was clover green.

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