Yandere high chp 27

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June and Sebastian walk into the coffee shop, greeted by a smiling employee "Oh hello" she says "how may I help you?". "I'd like one caramel macchiato please" June says politely. "Alright, and for your boyfriend here?" The lady asks. Sebastian's ears immediately go red from what she called him "n-nothing for me t-thank you" he stutters. The lady nods, walking off to prepare the order. June giggles at Sebastian's reaction "why are you blushing? " she asks teasingly. "N-nothing " Sebastian replies. "Is it because she stated you as my 'boyfriend'?" June asks teasingly, nudging him with his elbow. "It...is a nice thought " Sebastian replies, his ears going red again. June giggles again "well you know it's I who gets to decide". "Here you go" the lady said, placing the drink on the counter "that'll be one thousand five hundred yen please". Sebastian places the yen on the counter "here you go". June picks up her coffee, as she and Sebastian we're about to walk out, the lady said "you two lovebirds have a nice day!". Sebastian rolls his eyes, ears going red once more. "Don't act like you hate it, you know you enjoy it" June says, sipping her coffee. Sebastian chuckles "alright I admit it, I do enjoy it". Sebastian glances to his left and stops in his tracks, staring at the window of a store. "Huh? Why'd you stop?" June asks. A quick look gave June her answer, it was a pet store, and in the front window we're puppies. Some we're golden retrievers, some we're German shepherds, but the one that caught Sebastian's eye was a lone Dalmatian pup, sadly chewing on a toy. June notices this and asks him "do you wanna get him?". "If...that's alright with you?" Sebastian asks. June nods her head in approval, a glimmer of happiness forms in his eyes as Sebastian grabs June's hand and pulls her into the store with him. "Hi! How can I help you?" The cashier asks. "I would like the Dalmatian pup that's in the window please" Sebastian politely says. "Yes sir" the cashier says, walking towards the window and picking up the Dalmatian, which still had the toy in it's mouth. "Here you go, one male Dalmatian pup, now I must say that the pup hates collars, I try to put one on him, but he kept taking it off. I had to use a harness leash to walk him when I needed to. He does like a lot of things but he certainly hates collars " the cashier states. "Thank you sir" Sebastian says before speaking to the puppy. "Hi buddy" Sebastian says in a soft and sweet voice, one that June has never heard from him before "I'm going to take care of you now, I'm going to take you home and and love and care for you" and as if in response, the pup licks Sebastian's nose, dropping the toy and wagging it's tail a little. "What are you going to do about the collar thing?" June asks. Sebastian thinks for a minute until he does something June would never expect. Sebastian takes his bandana off, revealing his whole face, and tied it around the dogs neck, making the dog wag it's tail a little more. June, taken aback from Sebastian's action, begins to ask him "a-are you sure?" She stutters. Sebastian smirks "I've never had a pet in my life, and I could see myself reflect in this little guy, distancing myself from others and not wanting to be apart of something... well you know what? I'm tired of that. Yes I might still be grumpy, but I'm going to put a little more effort into it. IM pretty sure Junior here would want me too, and before you say anything, yes, I named him Junior, so don't judge me".

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