Yandere high chp 10

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"How...?" June begins to ask. Sebastian then runs to the men's bathroom. Nobody seemed to question why Sebastian ran out of the classroom, except sensei, who walked over to where June was. Whispering, sensei asked "I don't want to embarrass Sebastian, but would you mind telling me why Sebastian ran out of the classroom?". June whispered back "it's because Sebastian opened the bag of flour a little bit to forcefully and the flour puffed into his eyes, so he ran to the bathroom to rinse the flour out". Sensei seemed to understand, she walked away and didn't ask any more questions. A minute later, June's phone vibrated, checking it, it appeared that Sebastian texted her saying 'don't tell anyone about what happened'. June texted back 'don't worry, I told sensei that you had to go rinse flour out of your eyes'. What June didn't realize was that Misaki watched this all happen from her table, breaking the wooden spoon she was holding in her hand from anger.

Later after class...

"Do you want to go to your house after school so we can make the little sculpture?" Yuuya asks. June blushes a little at the question "sure" she says "I'll text you when I get home OK?". "Ok" Yuuya says "see you later".

After school...

"Hey Tamaka" June said, finding Tamaka at his locker "you wanted to tell me something?". "Yea, follow me" Tamaka said, grabbing her hand and leading her to the roof. "Why here?" June asks, arriving at the roof top. "So nobody can hear what I'm about to say" Tamaka says. "Then tell me" June said, getting a little impatient. "OK, so you see, I'm one of those people you would call a..." Tamaka hesitates a little "a homosexual person".

Yandere High School Part 1Where stories live. Discover now