yandere high chp 28

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"Girl, you are terrible at making decisions " Hiyori says, which earned her a face full of pillow from June. "Oh shut up, at least you only have to deal with ONE guy" June says. "But it seems a lot more exciting " Hiyori says, crossing her arms. "Listen. Its more stressful than you think, loving two guys at the same time AND trying to pick one over the other is stressful " June says "and I still don't know who to pick". "Well maybe the cruise will help you decide, we'll be able to see the guys everyday and it'll be fun" Hiyori says, taking a sip of water. "And you get to see Budo as well" June said teasingly, causing Hiyori to blush "you loooooove him~~". Hiyori responded by throwing the pillow back at June. "Oh cmon, it's obvious that you like him" June says. "Yea, but we just met a few days ago and I don't know if he feels the same way" Hiyori says, a hint of disappointment in her voice "and we hung out yesterday at my place " her voice trailing off. "What? What did you say?" June asks. "me and Budo played video games yesterday at my place" Hiyori says as slowly as she could. "Tell me everything " June says, grabbing Hiyori's shoulders. "Well yesterday he called and we chatted for a bit, talking about the cruise which somehow led to us talking about video games... then I asked him if he wanted to come over to play some video games. After he arrived we just started playing and having fun and every time my arm brushed against his I felt like a shock running through it. After that we decided to watch a movie and I apparently fell asleep on his shoulder during the movie and he stayed like that till I woke, which was only a few hours later. And let me tell you my face was redder than a cherry, he was so nice about it, that it was fine with him and everything. But the thing he did that confirmed that I liked him was that he used his free arm to grab the nearby blanket and put it on me while I was sleeping " Hiyori explained. "Awwwwwww" went June, loving the cuteness from Hiyori's story. "W-well aren't we supposed to go out shopping to buy some last minute things for the cruise tomorrow?" Hiyori says, changing the subject. "Oh yea your right!" June says, rushing off to her room to get her purse and rushing out "cmon let's go!" She exclaims, quickly grabbing Hiyori's hand and running out of the apartment.

~('3')~ end of chp 28

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