Yandere high chp 24

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(Drew yandere-chan myself, have to say I'm pretty proud of myself)

After school...

"Here we are" June said "and here I go" she said, ringing the doorbell. When the ringing ceased, a somewhat old man opened the door "yes? May I help you?" He said. "Hello, we're here for Tamaka" Hiyori says, waving hi at the man. "Ah yes, Master Tamaka is expecting you guys, he's asleep at the moment but if you care to wait inside for a few minutes I'm sure he'll wake up soon" he said. "Thank you" Yuuya says as he, Hiyori, Sebastian and June walk in. "Let me know if you need anything, after all I am a Butler" he said, closing the door. They all say down in the living room, it was quiet for a few minutes until Sebastian spoke up "well, I need to use the restroom" he said, getting up and walking towards the bathroom. Not even a second had passed before Hiyori's cell phone rang "it's my mom, excuse me for a little bit" she says, answering her phone as she walks towards the kitchen. A few seconds of silence followed before June spoke up "you don't have to worry about me so much you know?". "Why wouldn't I?" Yuuya asks, a little bit stunned at June's words "the reason I worry about you is because I love you, I don't want you to get hurt, mentally or physically" he finished, placing his hand on June's hand. "But why do you love me?" June said, blushing madly at Yuuya's touch. "Alright I'll tell you" Yuuya says "when my sister went away to study abroad, my dad lost his job the day after, so my mom works twice as hard while my dad always goes out to find a job, working odd jobs here and there. I was alone. Everyday I felt a ghost, nobody really noticed me as I walk through the crowds, except the girls, who squealed just by seeing me, I ignored them, they were annoying. Everyday it seemed gray and that gray kept on getting darker and darker, I always wore a fake smile so people wouldn't worry about me. Then one day I saw a gang of bullies trying to pick on a student, I stopped them easily cause they were weak, they just had a bad attitude, well guess who that student I helped was. It was Tamaka, he became my best friend, he always tries to brighten my day, yes he brightened the gray, but he didn't change the colors, the gray stayed gray. That was until I met you, me and Tamaka were already at the store, pondering what we should buy for our lunches when out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of pink hair, I was confused so I grabbed my food and Tamaka's food and we quickly rushed to the line and as luck would have it, I stood right behind you, more confused than ever, cause my life was pretty much monotone, I only saw gray, so I was confused at why I was seeing pink hair, you didn't have enough yen for your own food so placed some of my own yen on the counter, that's when you turned around. Your eyes were the most beautiful things I've ever seen, color exploded everywhere for me, 'hi' I said 'I'm Yuuya ', my heart was beating so fast, I never thought that love at first sight existed, that is, until I met you. I was able to smile more, I was able to be love someone. The reason I love you is because you brought color back into my life, you brought a smile on my face, I haven't felt like that in years. It wasn't until we had to do that Greek myth project that I confirmed this, we bonded, you didn't judge me on my interest on romance novels, you're a beautiful, smart, caring girl that I love".

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