chp 30

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Afterwards at the pool...

"I wonder what Budo would look like in a swimsuit? " Hiyori said, followed by a huge blush. "Awwwww looks like someone is daydreaming~" June said teasingly. "S-shut up! " Hiyori said, throwing a pool noodle at June. June laughs as she dodges the pool noodle. "What in the world are you guys doing? " Tamaka asked, wearing a muscle shirt and shorts. "Sebastian wasn't kidding about you being freakishly strong dude" June said, Tamaka's outfit revealed muscles that neither June nor Hiyori knew he had "is that why everything you wear seem big on you? " she asks. "Yeah, and to be honest, it's a little tight, I think the shirt shrunk in the wash" Tamaka said, tugging at the bottom of his muscle shirt. "Hooooow are you so fit?! " Hiyori asks. "Well when you are alone and have "parents" that work constantly, you have a lot of free time" Tamaka answers. "Well it paid of big time" Hiyori says, poking one of his arms. "Yea it did, and I'm glad it did" Tamaka said, flexing his arm, which also caused a few girls to look his way "What?... Why are they looking at me?" He asked. "I think it's because you flexed your arms" Hiyori said. "What, you mean like this? " Tamaka said, now flexing both his arms, causing a few more girls to look at him. "Are we the only girls at school that know you are gay? " June asks. "Um yea why? " Tamaka asks. "Cause I don't think those girls know that you are gay" June says. "Sonuvabitch" Tamaka says, realizing what's happening.

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