Chapter !

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Reader: Is this the rewrite CookieChomper has been talking about for the past eight years?

Me: YES! 

Fun fact: I'm on a four hour train ride to visit my brother and I was like, I have all my story notes, let me edit this story! I'll probably be done with at least half the book by the end of the train ride. It took me 2 hours to do this and now I want to nap.

Story Updates:

- I changed Whitney's name to Megan because when typing the story, I would often confused Winter and Whitney. Idk how it was as a reader but it was annoying as an author. I also changed her personality a bit so that her actions make sense later on

- I also tried to make more defining personalities so.... yay!

Winter stepped out of her mom's car and sighed.

"Have a good day at school, sweetie!" Her mom called as she drove away.

"I won't," Winter mumbled to herself as she started to walk towards the looming building ahead of her that turned crushed the all the joy in the world, otherwise known as high school. When she entered the building, she made her way to the main office. Unlike her other school, the main office was in the front of the building, making it easy to find and have no chance encounters of bad boys or anything like that.

"Hi, I'm new here. My name is Winter?" Winter told the secretary in the office. The lady was plump with short brown hair that barely reached her shoulders. Her desk was scattered with romance novels and she wore cat eye glasses. Winter silently judged the lady for her choice in glasses.

The lady looked up at her. "Oh! Of course! We don't get that many students here at East Wood! I'm Ms. Diane Peggy." She eyed Winter carefully and smiled sweetly at her. Winter wasn't sure if she was trying to be nice or be passive aggressive. "You seem like a good girl who won't be coming by the main office that often! Here's your schedule! Have a nice day!"

"Thanks," Winter turned to leave.

"Wait!" The secretary called. "Don't you want someone to show you around? The welcoming committee will be here in a few seconds to show you around the school!" She paused. "There they are now!"

A blonde and a ginger entered the main office. "I'm Megan," said the blonde.

"I'm Rachel," said the ginger.

Rachel and Megan looked at each other before saying, "The three of us are gonna be the best of friends." Then they both smiled widely.

Since they were the first human contact of her own age in a while, Winter slowly nodded in agreement.

"Come on, Winter, we have English together!!" Megan exclaimed. "Mr. Boring will kill us if we are late!!" Rachel nodded as they left the office. They began to walk towards their English classroom.

"I hate Mr. Boring... he is just so..." Rachel trailed off.

"Boring?" Winter guessed. Rachel excitedly hugged her as Winter froze up at Rachel's touch.

"It's only been a few minutes and we are already finishing each other's..." Rachel trailed off again.

"Sentences!!" Megan jumped in, sending a glare in Winter's direction as Rachel laughed. "You know what this calls for??"

"Sleepover!" Rachel and Megan squealed. They looked at each other and then looked at Winter and smiled.

Rachel frowned. "Why didn't you squeal with us, Winter?" Then she tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Whatever, you'll get it next time."

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