Chapter &

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A/N: Welcome back! I hope you did well on your Aps/Test/Finals. Speaking of which, I have a final tomorrow and I decided to update this instead of study!! :DDDDD. Enjoy Chapter 7!

Hollister Model 2:30 pm

I hate you so much.

People are talking to me now.

I hate people.

I wanna be the Hot Mysterious Guy again.

Ok. Fine. Ignore me.

I bet you're making out with your bad boy Ryder Cole.

Winterberry Muffins 2:35 pm

I guess someone caught the jealous bug. #backoff Me and Ryder Cole are totally full force right now. No protection.

Hollister Model 2:37 pm

You don't make jokes right...

Winterberry Muffins 2:38 pm

Aca-excuse me?

Hollister Model 2:38 pm

Aca-get your own catch phrase

Winterberry Muffins 2:38 pm



"He'll be here in a minute." Winter assured Ryder Cole as she leaned against his blue Bentley. They fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"Sports?" Ryder Cole tried to break the tension.

"Sports." Winter responded. "Did you hear about that athlete, who got injured, the one that is the backbone of that generic sports team? They might be out for the rest of the season." Winter paused. "What a shame."

"What about the sex scandal? I don't think they could recover from that." Ryder Cole replied.

Winter nodded her head in agreement. "Politics?"

"Donald Trump?"

"Donald Drumpf?"


"Hillary Clinton?"

"Hillary Clinton."

"Oh look, there goes Hollis!" Winter exclaimed because she was excited to change the topic. She frantically waved across the parking lot depresserate to get his attention. When she finally did, Winter stopped and returned to a cool collected state. She clicked her tongue and turned to Ryder Cole. "He's coming."

That's what she said, Winter thought. Shut up, stupid brain, she replied to herself.

"I call shotgun," Hollis shouted as he approached the car.

"Ass." Winter muttered as she mocked silently in her head. Ryder Cole walked around the car to enter the car so that he could drive. Winter slid into the back so she was seated behind Hollis. She drove her knee into the seat in front of her and he yelped. "Oops, I slipped." She lied as Hollis glared at her through the mirror. Winter greeted him with an innocent smile.

"Alright," Ryder Cole started as he buckled himself in and checked to see if his passengers also had their seatbelt on. "Whose house are we going to?"

"I'm pretty sure my house." Hollis answered. "Since you and Winter are neighbors, you can drop her home." Hollis winked at Winter through the mirror and Winter gave him the middle finger in response.

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