Chapter ^

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A/N: Question of the day, Will CookieChomper explain the gif she posted in the last chapter? Nope. :3

T'was, the week of homecoming, and the cafeteria was buzzing with delight.

"So, I was in the bathroom last period, you know, avoiding my math test an all, and I was like chill in the stall, right??" Whitney started off the conversation. "And like, the Populars came into the bathroom or as I would call them the Popularrazzi or the Populettes, and they were talking about how Ryder Cole and Sarah, might break up!! And the reason is a girl!!"

"Omg, the girl is totally you, Rach!" Winter fake exclaimed. She hated talking this, but Hollis said it was the 'only' way to fit in. In Winter's opinion, this was stupid, more specifically, very fucking stupid.

"Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg!" Rachel hyperventilated. "I can't breath." She desperately tried to fan herself with her hands. "Whitney, pass me my inhaler."

Whitney tossed Rachel her inhaler from across the table, but being classic basic girls, they couldn't throw or catch for their life. Whitney tossed it over Rachel's head and Rachel attempted to catch it after the inhaler already hit the ground. "Whitney!" Rachel complained. "I said pass, not throw!"

"I'm so sorry!!"

Rachel scowled as she turned to go get her inhaler, but someone already picked it up. "Is this yours?" A deep, masculine voice surprised her.

Rachel nodded as the person, Ryder Cole, gave her the inhaler back. "My hero..." Rachel muttered.

"What?" Ryder Cole asked. "I didn't hear you."

"I'm think I'm gonna faint." Rachel mumbled. She looked on the verge of collapsing right then and there.

"Uh, here. Let me help you to your table." Rachel instantly fell, more like toppled, onto Ryder Cole for 'support'. Since Rachel did this, the .2 second journey to the table was three minutes long.

"Thanks!" Rachel cheered when she got to the table. Ryder Cole also sat down next to her.

Rachel and Whitney made eye contact across and Whitney squealed. Whitney nudged Winter who sat next to her to reminded her to squeal as well, but instead Winter gave Whitney the biggest bitch stare in the world. Whitney cleared her throat and looked elsewhere to avoid the glare that was equal to a demon's.

"Hey Winter." Ryder Cole greeted her with a boyish smile that would even melt Stalin's heart. Winter nodded to acknowledge the fact that he noticed her presence.

Rachel and Whitney looked at each other and then back at Winter. "Oh yeah!!" Whitney said. "You two are neighbors!!" She clapped her hands excitedly while Rachel angrily stabbed at her salad.

"Yup," Ryder Cole replied, while popping the 'p', even though it's impossible to say yup without popping the 'p', so this sentence is irrelevant. "So what are your friend's names, Winter?"

Winter kinda wanted to stab herself because he was talking to her, but like a normal person, she sucked it up and buried her feelings deep down where no one could find them. "The person you are sitting next to is Rachel, but we all call her Rach and then this is Whitney."

"Got it, so Whitney, Rachel or Rach." The girls at the table nodded in agreement.

"So, Ryder Cole," Rachel dragged out his name as if to be flirtatious, but it just sounded really weird and awkward and like a dying cow. "Is it really true that you and Sarah are headed for splitsville?"

Winter looked at her strangely before she felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

"Who is it??" Whitney whispered to her.

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