Chapter !#

539 38 62

A/N: If you're the literal worst at updating clap you hands. 

*clap clap*

"Hold the fuck still. I don't want to burn you." Whitney told Winter as she straightened Winter's hair.

"I'm trying!" Winter responded as she fidgeted in the chair.

"Girl," Whitney started. "You're gonna either end up with no hair at the end of this or a burnt forehead. Stop fucking moving."

"How much longer?"

"I would've been done twenty minutes ago if you stayed still, but probably another ten."

The girls fell into a comfortable silence as they listened to pop goes punk in the background. "Okay, done." Whitney said a few moments later.

"Damn, I look hot." Winter remarked as she looked in the mirror.

"Okay, self confidence goals right there." Whitney paused. "I'm gonna go put on my dress now in the bathroom."

"Cool. I'll change in a bit. I'm gonna grab something from the kitchen. Want anything?" Winter offered.

"No thanks." And with that Winter left her room and went downstairs to find something to eat. As she was downstairs getting a mixture of celery, pretzels, and peanut butter and anything else that she could eat instead of eating a legitimate meal, Winter heard the doorbell ring.

Winter groaned as she walked over to the door and hoped it wasn't a salesperson, because salespeople are the worst. Like I know it's their job, but when I think a package is coming and it's just a person trying to sell me a new air conditioner, I'm pretty upset. Also, I will hide from you. She peeped through the window to see who was at her house. It was Hollis.

"Hollis?" Winter greeted him as she opened the door. "I thought you were coming in like an hour..."

"Yeah, I know. But I was like nervous because I was like, 'What if I come late?' or if something bad happens. Also I got dressed already and I couldn't risk anything getting on the suit, you know?" Hollis rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

Winter took a look at what Hollis was wearing. It was a tux and it fit him nicely. It was complimented with a yellow tie and in his hands was a yellow flower corsage and a boutonnière in a container.

"You look..." Winter fished for the right word to say. She wanted to say hot but she didn't want to come off too strong. ". . . nice." Winter replied.

"I put on a suit and I get a, 'You look nice.' That's honestly so rude." Hollis joked.

"You look hot. I would fuck you on a table." Winter saw the confusion on Hollis's face. "Better?"

"I'm more confused about the table than anything else in all honesty." Hollis responded as he followed Winter into her house.

"You didn't thank me for that stellar compliment, by the way." Winter walked back over to her kitchen and started eating some of the pretzels that she took out before. She held out the bag to offer them to Hollis.

"No thanks. I don't wanna ruin the suit. My mom paid some good money for this suit." Hollis denied it.

Winter shrugged. "So, what's up?"

"Well, I asked this girl to homecoming, right?" Hollis started.

"Oh really?" Winter replied.

"Yeah, and so we said we were meeting up with some others at 6:30 and it's currently 5:57." Hollis leaned on island in the kitchen.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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