Chapter @

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A/N: Did ya miss me?? College is fun. Anyways...

"What the fuck is that?" Winter stood in shock as she looked out the window. She could've sworn that yesterday she wasn't living right next to a white glamorous mansion that put the White House to shame. Her memory was kind of hazy, but she recalled a medium sized house was next to her's and there were two children their names Betsy and Ross. Winter knew this because she talked to their mother about babysitting, or was that just her imagination.

Winter drew the curtain close because that's what every normal person does when they are about to get dressed for school so that no one can peek in at them. She dressed like a typical teenager, ripped skinny jeans, converse, and a band shirt. Then Winter did her typical morning routine, apply "minimal" makeup to achieve the natural look and brush her teeth. She didn't shower because she preferred night showers.

She yawned as she went down the stairs and entered the kitchen to get something to eat. Her mother was in there waiting for the coffee machine to make coffee.

"Hey mom," Winter started. She grabbed an orange and started peeling it.

"What's up, honey?" Her mother didn't bother to turn around. She was staring at the coffee making waiting for it to be done filling up her cup.

"Did you notice that we live right next to a mansion?" Winter stuffed a piece of the orange in her mouth. "Because I'm like sixty-seven percent sure that there wasn't a mansion their yesterday."

Winter's mother rolled her eyes. "We always lived next to a mansion, sweetie, how could you not notice it?" Her mother grabbed her cup that was now full with coffee and dumped a shit ton of sugar into it. Winter gave her mother a weary stare. "I like it sweet."

"But mom, what about the other neighbors?" Winter asked. "I mean, the kids were named Betsy and Ross, and the dad's name was Lincoln Washington and the mom was named Liberty. Remember? How could you not remember a family literally themed after America?"

"Well, I would, if they were real. You kids and your wild imaginations." Winter's mom ruffled her daughter's hair and grabbed papers from off the table and started shoving it into her work bag. "Speaking of neighbors, I invited the ones that live in the mansion over for dinner. They are the Blake family and they seem lovely, so be on your best behavior."

"Two things mom. First, what kind of rich person has the last name, Blake? And second, why aren't we going over to their house? They are the ones that live in a mansion, I'm pretty sure that they don't want to come to our house."

"But, honey, we live in a mansion too." Her mom said laughing. Suddenly, it felt as if the house got bigger. Winter's mom grabbed her work bag and purse. "I have a business meeting at eight, so I can't drop you, but I asked our neighbors to drop you, and they said that their son will. He will be here in five! Love you lots, see you later!" Her mom left the house.

"Something about this place isn't right," Winter mumbled to herself as she got her school bag ready. "How can we even afford this place? Mom is a single parent, and I don't work." Winter paused, thinking about all the possibilities. "I've got it! Mom's in the mafia. That definitely explains why I moved in the middle of my high school career with the possibility that not all my credits will transfer." Winter said sarcastically.

A few minutes later Winter heard the doorbell ring. She wondered who it could be, but then she figured it was her ride. She gathered her belonging as she opened the door.

As Winter opened the door, she recognized who it was. "Vending machine boy." She greeted him. "You're my neighbor?"

He chuckled at the vending machine boy remark.

Damn, that's hot. Winter thought to herself.

"Yeah, I guess I'm your neighbor." They paused awkwardly. "My mom said you needed a drop to school? My ride is right there."

"So why exactly did you think it was a good idea to have me travel on the back of your motorcycle to school, especially when you don't even know me? This literally screams unsafe. And no, I am not saying this because I don't like bikes, which I don't." Winter said.

"The chicks love it. They are scared at first, but I coax them one. Then I speed, and then they squeeze on to me when they think I'm going to fast. But they all end up loving it."Ryder Cole cracked his knuckles how any other bad boy would.

"Um, ok..." Winter trailed off.

"I'm joking," Ryder Cole gave her a boyish smile that would even melt Hitler's heart.

Winter shook her head attempted to give him back his helmet. "I'll walk, I could use my phone as a GPS."

"What if I do this?" Ryder Cole gave her a smile so bright that Winter grabbed for her sunglasses conveniently located in her backpack.


"What about now?" Ryder Cole gave her a puppy dog face with the biggest eyes ever.


"Dang, this usually works." Ryder Cole frowned. "What if I took off my shirt?"

"Um... no. Let's go to school like normal people, in a car." Winter tossed Ryder Cole his extra helmet.

Ryder Cole sighed. "Fine..." He started to move the bike back towards his garage.

"I don't mean like any Ferrari's or anything like that because we are teenagers. We don't drive those unless we want our parents to kill us." Winter added.

Ryder Cole let out a groan. "Fine!"


"Are you telling me that the cheapest car you have is a jaguar?" Winter exclaimed. "I know I'm sounding like a total bitch right now, but do you own anything that isn't a luxury car?"

Ryder Cole hummed as he thought. "Is this considered a luxury car?"


"Then, no." Ryder Cole turned into the school parking lot. "Oh, I should warn you. My girlfriend definitely would not approve of this. She isn't the biggest fan of me being around other women."

Winter paused. "You have a girlfriend?"

A dude this attractive would definitely have a girlfriend, idiot. Winter thought to herself.

"Yeah, she's a bit cold at first, but she's nice when you get to know her. Also, I'm a pretty big deal at this school." Ryder Cole responded.

"I've heard," Winter said wryly. Did all hot dudes have to be so self-centered?

"No, I'm serious." He actually sounded concerned. "When I finish parking you have thirty seconds to get out the car and get as far away from it as possible. There will be thousands of girls. Put all precious belongings in your bag, or they will be stolen." Winter sent him a look of disbelief but Ryder Cole continued talking. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He said as she pulled into a parking spot. "Move!"

But they were too late. A swarm of girls surrounded the car screaming things about Ryder Cole and not all of them were PG.

"You said thirty seconds. That was more like ten."

"My bad."

Winter glared at him. "Wait, I have an idea." Winter grabbed her umbrella that was conveniently located in her backpack and said. "I'm busting out of here." She opened the car door and opened the umbrella and shoved her way through the army of girls.

When she came out on the other end, she no longer had her umbrella and her shirt was torn at the shoulder and now she was wearing shorts. "Fangirls, am I right?" She muttered to herself. Winter readjusted her backpack and started walking towards the school building, unaware of a super jealous girlfriend glaring at her.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait.

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