Chapter %

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A/N: Just to clarify. The italics are Winter's thoughts. RYDER COLE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE WEARING A DRESS. IT WAS A TYPO!

Winter made faces at herself in the mirror as she stood wearing a rather plain dress. It navy blue, which matched her nails, and it flared out once it her waist. Her dress was accompanied by silver shoes

Winter roared at herself in the mirror, then paused and wondered what the fuck she was doing, and then she made another face in the mirror. She admired her makeup a lot. It was like once in a lifetime that she got it this perfect, so of course she took some selfie.

Gosh, this must be my inner basic that Hollis was talking about, Winter thought as she uploaded the pictures to instagram. Winter stared at her phone as people from her old school sent her the heart eye emoji and 'HAWT!1111!!!!' and this one guy tried to slide into her dms with a 'Summer, was it?' Winter almost barfed at the basicness.

As Winter sat on her bed, pondering more about the forces of being a teenager, her mom's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Honey, it's almost seven o'clock. The Blake's will be here any minute! Come down here, please!"

"Be down in a second!" Winter grabbed her phone and walked down the grand staircase. They were covered with a thick blue carpeting that made extremely difficult to walk in heels. Winter gripped the railing for life as she descended the stairs.

Once she was on the first floor, Winter plopped down on the sofa and turned on the television. A typical tv show that everyone watched was one. Winter flipped through the channels to see what else was on. Nothing else was, it was just a typical tv show on every channel, except for the weather channel, the political channel, and the biased political channel called Wolf.

She settled on the biased political channel. "This just in," The person on tv spoke. "Obama is taking a bath in... money from the national treasury. That's where your tax dollars are America, cleaning the president's... downstairs." They held up a picture that was poorly photoshopped. It was Obama's head glued onto some random dude, who was glued to a bath tub, who was glued to a bunch of monopoly money. "This isn't acceptable. Riot America! RIOT!!." The news anchor continued as they stood up and screamed at the camera.

Winter sighed. "This is why I prefer Webflix." She turned off the television and surfed the web.

"Winter! They're here! Get off your phone." Her mother said urgently as she smoothed out her dress and ran to get the door. Winter tossed her phone onto the couch as she followed her mother to the front door.

"Linda!" Winter's mother exclaimed as she saw Ryder Cole's mother. Ryder Cole's mother was wearing a dark purple dress with a lavender scarf wrapped around her arms like rich people do.

"Louise!" Ryder Cole's mother said with the same enthusiasm. "I feel like we been best friends for years, but I've only known you for like two days because you just move here."

"Same!" Winter's mother hugged Ryder Cole's mother as the rest of her family filed in after her awkwardly.

"So, let me introduce me to my fam," Ryder Cole's mother said excitedly as Winter nearly barfed at the use of her slang word.

"This is my husband, Logan." The man resembled an older, more handsome version of Ryder Cole. "This is my son Ryder Cole, but we all call him Bartholomew," Ryder Cole glared at his mother, but it went unnoticed by her. "And this is our final child, Avery." Winter wasn't sure if the child was a girl or a guy, but that didn't really matter. They were a-fucking-dorable.

"This is my daughter Winter." Winter awkwardly waved at the Blake family.

"She is tots adorbs." Ryder Cole's mother said while pinching at Winter's cheeks. "I see where she gets her looks, Louise."

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