Chapter !)

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A/N: It's one in the morning. I'm sorry about the length of the chapter. It was technically supposed to be part of chapter nine, but chapter nine was so long I couldn't. So here ya go. I'm fucking tired. I didn't proofread, but I never do. Bare with me. I'm trying, not really, but still. Beyonce is queennnnn! I'm seeing her in concert. But that's not important right now. Without any more random things, here is chapter ten!!

It was lunch time now at EastWood High and the teenagers were chattering among themselves about the latest gossip: Who was the girl who rejected Ryder Cole? Also, why was the Hot 'Mysterious' Dude eating lunch with people, isn't he a loner? But clearly the bigger news was that Hottie McHotstuff was rejected.

Whitney and Rachel looked at each other and then looked skeptically at Hollis who was seated across the table next to Winter. "This is Hollis," Winter introduced him to her some-what friends. "We met during our group project which Mr. Boring assigned. Now we are friends."

Whitney and Rachel looked at each other and then Rachel squealed, "Omg, now we have a boy in our friend group. This is so exciting. Aren't you excited Winter? 'Cause I'm excited. Let's take a friend group selfie, so that it's official!" Rachel clapped her hands happily. "Yay!"

Hollis face seemed as if he was scared for life and Winter jumped to his rescue. "Um, Rachel. Let's not."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Winter!" She said in a chastising tone. "I told you to call me Rach! And Hollis, right? You can call me Rache. There is no noticeable difference when you say it out loud, but you seem like a semi-important character so it's in between Rachel and Rach. So Rache."

"I'm so honored, Rache." Hollis replied with his voice dripping with sarcasm. Whitney rolled her eyes in agreement.

Rachel turned to Whitney and whispered, quite loudly, "He's honored!" And she squealed at a frequency only dogs could hear.

"Anyways," Winter trailed off. "Whitney, what's the latest news?"

Whitney took a deep breath as if she was getting to character and said, "Well, according to my sources, or as normal people refer to it, the girl's bathroom during fifth period, Ryder Cole was rejected by someone during third period today."

"You forgot the double exclamation marks." Rachel jabbed her in the side softly.

"!!" Whitney responded.

"Good," Rachel paused. "Also, which girl their right mind would reject Ryder Cole? He's the hottest guy in our school!" Rachel exclaimed. Whitney gave Winter a knowing stare, but Winter averted her eyes and pretended she didn't know anything.

For some reason, this statement caused Hollis to start coughing really loudly and Winter gave him a glare out of the corner of her eyes, but Hollis continued anyways. "Ladies, clearly you haven't looked at this fine specimen." He gestured to himself and Winter face palmed.

Whitney and Rachel paused and looked him over and glanced at each other. "I've seen better." Whitney responded in a monotone voice. And then added. "!!"

"You're mean." Hollis pouted and crossed his arms like a five year old. "I don't like you."

"Anyways, why would Ryder Cole be rejected? He's practically a Greek god. He's so hot," Rachel sighed disregarding Whitney and Hollis's interactions.

"Only if you count Hephaestus as hot," Winter mumbled and Hollis suppressed a laugh. Whitney even cracked a smile, but Rachel didn't get it.

"What?" Rachel asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Winter assured her. Rachel looked satisfied with that answer and tried to remember what she was saying previously. "You were saying something about Ryder Cole and homecoming."

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