Chapter *

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A/N: Fun fact: Today is my last day of school, and in exactly one month, it's you homie CookieChomper's birthday. #swag #stopswag2k16

"Omg!! I'm so excited!!" Whitney exclaimed.

"When are you not excited?" Rachel retorted as she glared at her. "All you do is talk with double exclamation points." She rolled her eyes as she looked towards Winter and said, "Hop in loser, we're going shopping."

"I'm already in your car?" Winter replied sounding confused.

"Haha, okay!" Rachel smiled as she slammed the pedal to the metal speeding off into the direction of the nearest mall.


"Winter, you should totally get the purple dress for homecoming. It totally brings out your purple eyes." Rachel told her as Winter modeled for Whitney and Rachel to see.

"Rach, that eye color and dress color is so last edition!!" Whitney reminded her.

"You don't get to call me Rach." Rachel told her. "Only Winter and Ryder Cole do, because they are important to this story."

"But we've been best friends since we were five!!" Whitney started to panic. "I can't lose my best friend to some with the likes of Winter." She said Winter in a very dark, sincere matter, hence the reason why it's bolded, duh.

Winter laughed nervously. "Um, Whitney, why don't you try on this hot pink dress, it will totally complement your skin tone and hair color. It also will def bring out the color of your eyes." Winter grabbed a sea-foam green dress off of the rack. "Here, Rachel, you wear this dress because it will match your hair."

"Winter, it's okay. You can call me Rach." Rachel winked at her as she entered the stall in the dressing room, leaving Winter even more confused than she was before.

After trying on like fifty-thousand more dresses, Rachel and Whitney decided on the dress that Winter had originally picked out for them. Rachel was gushing over Winter and how perfect she was for the friend group, while Whitney was glaring at Winter from not that far away.

"Now, we have to find you a dress for homecoming!" Rachel squealed.

"Nah, I think I'm good." Winter shrugged. "It's just homecoming, I can just wear a dress I have at home."

"No," Rachel protested. "I insist."

"I'm broke." Winter tried again.

"Says the person who literally spent fifty dollars in the food court." Rachel reminded her. "Come on. It'll be fun!"

"Whatever, but that doesn't mean I'm one-hundred percent sure that I'm gonna buy it." Winter mumbled as she entered the dressing room.

"Whitney, let's go find Winter some dresses for homecoming."

"It's doesn't matter, Rachel," Whitney glared at Winter. "She'd look better in a trash bag that covered her face than any of these dresses!!"

"Omg! Whitney, that's so mean!" Rachel pulled Whitney deeper in the store to look at some more dresses.

How rude. Winter thought as she sat alone in the dressing room. Deciding to be a stereotypical teenager, she looked through her social media feed while she waited for Rachel and Bitch-Faced-Whitney to return.

As she was scrolling through, FaceNovel, she saw something that almost gave her a heart attack. This is highly exaggerated fyi.


Ryder Cole changed his relationship status to single.

Winter heard a large squeal before she heard a huge thump. She left the dressing room with a concerned look on her face where she found Rachel lying on the ground.

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