Chapter !@

713 51 54

A/N: What do you mean I said I would update in February? YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME!!!!!!!!!!1!

Recap: Winter, Hollis, and Ryder Cole have to present their project on the day of homecoming. Previously Whitney, Rachel, and Sarah presented, now it's their turn. Rachel is going to homecoming with Ryder Cole. Hollis and Winter are going as friends.

Winter, Hollis, and Ryder Cole walked up to the front of the room to begin the first of many wrongs this Friday.

Hollis pulled a Gryffindor robe over his head, placed the John Lennon glasses on his face, and topped off his look with a Gryffindor scarf and a and, which was actually a twig found in Winter's backyard. Ryder Cole followed in suit, but with a Slytherin wardrobe and a platinum blonde wig. Unfortunately, this wig was from when Winter dressed up as Hannah Montana for Halloween when she was eight and the hair length reached half way down Ryder Cole's back.

Winter pulled up a backdrop of the library at Hogwarts and sat in corner in the front of the room waiting for Hollis and Ryder Cole to finish with their scripts. Ryder Cole picked up a book and pretended to read it as Hollis got into his position.

"We are taking a Harry Potter spin on their classic window scene from Romeo and Juliet." Winter announced to the class. The class gave a mini round of applause. "And action!"

Ryder Cole instantly though the book in his hand to the floor in rage. "Oh! Why does Amortentia have to be so difficult to learn?" He cried out in anguish.

Hollis draped a towel over his face and pretended to sneak up on Ryder Cole. In case anyone didn't understand what the towel was representing, Winter wrote on it, 'Invisible Cloak'. Ryder Cole acted as if he heard something and grabbed the book from off the ground and held it tightly and double checked his surroundings to see if anyone was there.

"Draco?" Hollis pulled off his invisible cloak and tucked it under his robe.

"Damn it, Potter." Ryder Cole said with a bit of edge to his voice. "What do you want?"

"Why were you looking up Amortentia?" Hollis asked. "Who is it for? That's a pretty strong love potion."

"It's for..." Ryder Cole paused. "It's for Hermione." Winter who was picking at her nails in the front of the classroom looked over to Ryder Cole and Hollis. Ryder Cole wasn't supposed to say that.

Hermione isn't even in the script, Winter thought. Winter made eye contact with Hollis who looked as concerned as she did. Where the hell is he going with this?

"Um, don't you mean it's for me?" Hollis attempted to steer the skit back on track. "I mean, look at this bod." Hollis flipped his scarf over his shoulder dramatically.

"No, it's for Hermione." Ryder Cole said firmly.

"How romantic," Rachel said in awe of Ryder Cole's performance.

"Shut up Rachel!!" Whitney responded.

"Stop being so mean to me!" Rachel whined.

Hollis cleared his throat. "Well, this is kinda awkward because I thought we were supposed to be gay lovers."

"I'm bisexual so I'm attracted to both sexes." Ryder Cole improvised.

"Okay, now I'm offended. How can you pick Hermione over me? I'm the chosen one with the freaking scar on my forehead from the stupid prick to tried to murder me." Hollis seemed genuinely offended.

"Yeah, Hermione's great. She's super smart and really funny. She has purple eyes,and even though she said no to my proposal to go to the dance together, I still like her. She's super nice and trustworthy and no one else has ever made me feel this way before." Ryder Cole responded. Sarah huffed from across the room, rolled her eyes and walked out of the classroom. She slammed the door loudly behind herself. Ryder Cole glanced over at Winter and Winter felt her face start to burn so she distracted herself with the floor.

Hollis also looked over at Winter took but she missed the gaze because she was too busy having a staring contest with the floor. Something ticked in Hollis. Was it jealousy? I honestly don't know because it's 1:50 am and I am typing this on an iPad while sitting in a puddle self pity because I said I was gonna update in February and it's mid June

Ryder Cole, Hollis, and Winter uncomfortably stood in the front of the room in an awkward silence. "And scene." Ryder Cole eventually said.

"So how's everyone's lunch??" Whitney asked the table and she was greeted with silence from Winter and Hollis, typically the two people who kept the conversation alive.

"Who cares about lunch? Today is homecoming!" Rachel squealed. "Are you excited Ryder Cole?"

Ryder Cole flashed her an award winning smile and said, "You betcha," Whitney held up a hand to block her eyes from a gleam of light that was so bright it rivaled the sun. "We are all meeting at my house before, right? So we can carpool?"

"That's the plan." Hollis muttered as he pushed the food around on his plate, but not actually eating it.

"Cool." Ryder Cole responded.

"I hope I win Homecoming Queen," Rachel sighed dreamily. "I started a campaign to get people's votes and I already have like the perfect dress." She whipped out her phone and proceeded to show everyone at the table her dress even though they had all seen it before.

"It doesn't matter, Sarah is gonna win anyways." Hollis told her. "She's the stereotypical pop Barbie princess. She's gonna win."

"Yeah, she rigged it anyways." Ryder Cole agreed before shoved a spoonful of cafeteria mac and cheese into his mouth and then spit it out into a napkin. However, his statement intrigued everyone at the table except for Rachel who was going off about butterflies or something.

"How'd she rig it?" Winter spoke for the first time this lunch period.

Ryder Cole shrugged. "I don't know. She just does whatever and it comes true."

A/N: It's 2:18 in the morning. Sorry for not posting in ages. Lots of mental health issues and school this year, but summer is now officially here so, I'll try and upload as much as I can. I only have like two to four more chapters left so.......

 I only have like two to four more chapters left so

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