The truth subtract one

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Chapter 36
Thomas and Newt both new what was about to come. Both their parents had been there and heard Thomas's speech and then seen them kiss. Thomas was prepared for the yelling he was expecting but Newt was petrified. He was scared that Scott was gonna hurt him or Thomas.

"Thomas lets get out of here before they find us." Newt said pulling down on the sleeve of Thomas's robe. Thomas just brushed him off continuing to talk to a parent that was congratulating him on his speech.

"Thomas." Newt said again but he purposely ignored him.

"Thomas!" Newt yelled.

"Sorry, excuse me." Thomas apologized to the parent he was talking to. He then grabbed Newts hand and pulled him out to a hallway where it was quiet.

"God Newt stop interrupting me!" Thomas yells scaring the fragile blond hair boy. He hardly ever yelled which Newt was thankful for; it scared him.

"Stop treating me like a child." Newt croaked.

"Stop acting like one!" Thomas shouted. Newt immediately took a step backwards away from Thomas. His posture fell and it was obvious to Thomas that he was trying to be as small as possible. Like it would make him disappear.

"I'm sorry babe," Thomas sighs, "what's wrong."

Newt thought about lying, but decided against it. This was Thomas he was talking too.

"I'm scared." He whispered and all of Thomas's anger faded.

"Listen to me Newt. There is nothing to be afraid of. They are gonna yell at us and try to keep us apart but I won't let them. If it comes down to it I'll get annulment from my father. We are gonna be together forever, okay?" Thomas says holding the slightly smaller boy in his arms.

That's not what Newt was scared of though. He accepted his fate of Scott hurting him but he was so scared that he would try to hurt Thomas, Malia or his mom. Newt new that he couldn't protect any of them, but he couldn't tell Thomas. What if he blamed it all on him? Newt couldn't bare tearing apart Thomas's family, leaving Malia fatherless. So he kept quiet, the fear burning inside him.

"Okay... Can we head to the after party now though?" Newt asks, not ready to face Scott yet.

"Love, they are gonna yell at us sooner or later, let's just get it over with." Thomas sighs.

"Please Tommy. I just wanna enjoy graduation and catch up with my boyfriend whom I haven't talked to in a month. I don't want them to ruin this for us." Newt begs.

"Fine, only because I love you," Thomas smiles planting a kiss on his nose, "but the party isn't starting for another hour so how do you say we go grab some food and catch up?"

"I would love that."


Thomas and Newt went to a local coffee shop and caught up. They told each other every thing that's happened and how they are doing. Thomas told Newt about tutoring and how one time one of his students tried to kiss him and then never came back after Thomas rejected him. Newt in return also told him about all the phone numbers he's gotten while working at the pizza shop. They shared some laughs but then the topic changed to how they were doing. Newts immediate reaction always to that question was I'm fine, but with Tommy he'd learned to just tell him the truth. He trusted and loved that boy with his life.

"... My antidepressants ran out at the beginning on the month." Newt looks away.

"Newt," Thomas gasped, "why didn't you tell your mom?"

"Because my mom hasn't talked to me in a month." Newt croaked.

Thomas just saw there in shock not sure what to say to the broken boy.

"It's been so hard Tommy. Everyday it just felt like I was drowning and I could see everyone else breathing fine. But no one would pull me up. I just kept sinking farther and farther in."

"Hey," Thomas says grabbing his hands from across the table, "it's gonna be okay. We'll get you another bottle."

"I don't need another bottle," Newt says confusing Thomas, "as long as I'm with you, everything's okay."

And that was true. Newt hadn't been taking his antidepressants regularly for over 2 months before they were caught. He didn't need too. When he was with Thomas his depression was nonexistent. But when they were separated by there parents every thing hurt again. He hurt.

"We should probably head to the party now, we've been here for 2 hours," Thomas laughs, "the party started a hour ago."

"Wow, time goes by fast when you are with the one you love." Newt smiles.

Thomas kisses him softly, "anything else you wanna tell me before we go?"

Newt immediately tenses up. Only that your father has been abusing me for a month now and sometimes I don't sleep cause I stay up to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else.

"Nope," he fake smiles, "let's go."

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