Chapter 1

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Chapter One ♥

I ran down the wooden stairs fast ,jumping off the second-to-last one.Landing it,I happily celebrated slipping in my zebra socks and I fell face first onto the tile in the big kitchen. My face was throbbing when I slowly attempted to pick myself up. Covering my painful creation I slipped into the kitchen to find my breakfast. I opened the two big fridge doors and scanned the shelves.The cool air rushed to my face shooting goose bumps across my arms.I reached for my half empty Mountain Dew bottle and shut the fridge doors.I swallowed the rest of the flat soda down and ran upstairs to change.I pulled my hair up into a bun and twisted my bangs to the side.Reaching for a bobby pin to secure the twist,I knocked over my pink nail polish.Engulfing the remaining bobby pins in the container.

"Oh,Crap!" I mumbled

Dabbing up the spilled paint, I slipped into my white shorts and crop top.Finishing off I pinned the pink pin in place.I checked my outfit before leaving my room and headed downstairs into the family room.I waited for a text, but nobody text me.I switched on the t.v. trying to occupy my time.A few minutes past so I put on my vans and started walking to the court.

"I'll be back!"I announced before locking the door.

I clicked home button on my iPhone hoping to see a message,but their still wasn't one.I walked slowly to the courts nervously tracing the crack on the screen with my fingers.I could see sweaty shirtless guys tearing through the courts and aggressively playing. All of the boys in the neighborhood came to the courts on Friday nights if there weren't any important parties to go to. I was always invited to them but I never went because I thought they were stupid.All of them ended wild and out of control.The wind blew my hair messy so i just took it out falling to my lower back.I organized stray hairs with my fingers and slid my phone into the pockets in my shorts I approached the courts and every guy slowly turned to glance at me.I tucked my hair behind my ears and gulped.

"Hey pretty lady,wanna join?" chimed a dirty blonde boy with deep dimples.

His eyes were deep blue and his smile was white and perfect.I bit my lip and shifted my weight on my hips.I couldn't help but blush from him.

"Oh,come on.Don't wanna be a bench warmer do ya'?He added playfully

I tried to get the words out but I choked on them.YES!YES!YES!

"Um,no.I'll watch"I spat out

NO!NO!I didn't mean to say that!

"Okay,little lady.Your loss" he frowned "I'm Cameron by the way"

"I'm Lina"

"Nice to meet you,Little Lina"

I nodded and I awkwardly made my way toward an empty bench and sat down.I pulled my phone out of my pocket and desperately tried to look like I was texting someone.I retreated from that plan and looked up.Cameron had the ball and he breezed past the other guys.His body was gorgeous he had toned muscles piercing from his tight grey shirt.He faked crossed over and faked once more,a trick I learned in basketball, and met eyes with me.He smirked and winked at me and shot a three pointer.Barley brushing the net it swooshed in.

"Cam!Come on stop showing off for her,man!"a shirtless guy complained 

"Play fair!" he added

Cameron shot a playful grin at him and gently shoved him and shook his head at him.

The shirtless guy ran his fingers through his hair and jogged over to my bench and sat down next to me.His eyes were gorgeous!They were hazel and yellow and I couldn't help looking at them.Although he wasn't focused on me I still looked at them.His lips were full and kissable and the way he was biting them was irresistible.He eagerly clenched his fists to get back in the game,flinching at each foul or misstep.He was beautiful.

One of the guys missed a basket and he got frustrated and turned towards me.Unexpectedly he caught me looking at him.I played it off by looking past him and he was observing me like I couldn't see him.The wind blew and broke the awkwardness when my hair swept in front of my face and he turned and jumped back into the game.He turned around and faced me and I waved at him and he smiled back.

Be sure to check out my newest story Wanton!

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