Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 ♥

~We were riding  in his car, a deep blue convertible mustang,the engine roared as we flew down the road.The wind blowing my brown hair,and his choppy brown hair.He smiled at me and grabbed my hand fitting his fingers perfectly with mine.I gazed in his hazel eyes as we stepped onto the warm sand and he grabbed my waist as we wadded in the water.He was behind me following my footsteps holding my hands.He kicked the water up at me which influenced a splash fight.My hair was stringy and hanging in front of my face and he pulled me under the blue water with him.He kissed me underwater.It seemed like it lasted forever.I began to struggle for air.Then he disappeared.~

I sat up gasping for air.I looked around,I was in my room.Ricky must have carried me up from the car.I checked the time it was 8:45 am.Robbie was in my dream.I got up and decided to call him and explain everything.I searched my room for my bag.I was still in Cameron's T-shirt and shorts.

"Oh,shit!"I yelled

I left my bag at the party and my romper.I ran my fingers back through my hair.I pulled off the shirt and shorts and walked to the bathroom.I went into the shower and let the water run over my head.I quickly got out and walked back to my room.I dried my hair with my towel and pulled on a brown sweater and frayed shorts.I softly went down stairs into the kitchen.My dad was there cooking breakfast.He looked tired and had on an apron and batter all through his hair also on his face.He was mixing batter in a bowl while pancakes were burning on the stove.I ran down to help him and pulled the now on fire pancakes of the burner.His eyes widened as the flames burst and he grabbed it from me submerging it with water in the sink.Smoke clouded the kitchen slowly creeping away.My dad grinned through the think smoke.

"Thanks hunnie"he chuckled "What would I do with out you"

I wiped the sweat of my forehead.

"So how's cereal?"he asked

I giggled and poured us both a bowl.He scarfed it down while I slowly picked out just the marshmallows like I always did with Lucky Charms.

"Oh,um Ricky wanted to talk to you"he gurgled between mouthfulls"In his room"

I nodded and slid him my bowl and he gulped down my milk.I padded upstairs and knocked on Ricky's door.

"It's open"

I sat on his bed while he dug through his closet

"I'm going to the courts today,come with me so I can practice"Ricky babbled

"Okay"I stood up and opened the door

"Oh!Cameron wanted to talk to you"he grunted as he found his hat in his closet.

I closed the door and walked to my room.I didn't know who I wanted.I liked Cameron but I was reeled in by Robbie.I usually go to the courts when I need to think and today was one of those days.I pulled on yellow cheer shorts and a black tank top and pulled my hair in a messy bun.

I hopped on Ricky's back and he walked to the basketball courts.There was no one there yet so it was perfect for us to practice.I hopped off his back and picked up the ball.I dribbled and Ricky was trying to steal the ball from me.I faked and crossed the ball between my legs heading towards the basket.My bangs hung in front of my eyes and I couldn't see.Ricky flashed by and stole the ball he pulled his arms back about to release the ball and I knocked it out of his hands.I giggled while he stood their confused I pulled back and shot a three pointer.

"OH!" yelled a couple of guys who began to sit on the benches while we played.

I smiled and scanned the group.I didn't recognize any of the guys and then Robbie stepped out from behind.Today he had a shirt on and a grey beanie on his head I met his eyes.He looked away,gritted his teeth and sat down on the bench disappearing behind the crowd.

"Ricky got whooped by a girl!" yelled a tan boy with black hair

"Shut up Elliot" Ricky groaned rubbing his arms "I'm just warming up"

The guys snickered and gathered at the sidelines.Ricky had the ball and was dribbling infront of me.I blocked him from getting around me and smirked.He sprinted forward and I stole the ball running the other direction.Ricky grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder running toward the basket.I was kicking him and giggling.He picked me up and I dunked the ball in the basket.

"Teamwork!" he bowled

I jumped down from the rim and Ricky was doing his victory dance,a combination of awkward arm flares and shuffles.The guys flooded in and picked Ricky up.I took a swig of water at the bench and sat down.They were doing series of man hugs and handshakes like guys do.


I walked home and changed clothes into a ruffle shirt and I flatironed my hair striaght.I left Ricky at the basketball courts with the guys.I sat in the family room watching an episode of Jersey Shore.I went upstairs to my room and tweeted a bit on Twitter.Someone knocked on my door.

"Hang on!" I yelled

I tossed my laptop on my bed and opened the door.It was Cameron.

"Your dad let me in"he choked scrathing his head"Can I come in?"

I awkwardly backed up and let him in.


He twisted a plastic walmart bag in his hands and looked up.

"Oh,your dress"his crystal eyes glistened while he handed me the bag.He looked restless and his eyes weren't as bright today.His hair was in swirls and  sticking to his head.

"Are you okay"I asked concered

His eyebrows frowed and he nodded his head and sat on my bed

"Yeah"he gulped "I'm cool"

He ran his fingers through his hair again like he does when he's stressed.He wasn't okay.

"Oh um!I have your bag in my car.I'll go get it"he offered

"And I'll go with you"

We walked down the hallway and down the stairs.He looked back and shouted at me.

"Race you!" he took off

I ran fast enough to jump on his back and he ran really fast.He made me feel like a feather he was so strong.He unlocked his car.He had a 2011 Land Rover LRX.My face lit up.

"How'd you get that?"I choked

"Lets,just say I know some people" he cackled tilting his head and biting his lips flashing his dimples yet again.Man he's good!I blushed.

I got into his car and he handed me my bag.He got into the driver's seat and locked the doors.I frowned at him.He put the key in the ignition and turned it.He backed  out of the driveway

"Where are we going!!?"I screamed

"Buckle up!"he grinned

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