Chapter 14

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They took him away in the ambulance and I went to call Robbie from my neigbors phone since the house was now locked.Running down thee street I held back a sob.I was used to crying but right now wasn't an exeption.I knocked on the door.My heart was pounding and I realized it wasn't my heart It was me banging on the door.A dog inside was barking loudly and a breeze chilled the air and whipped my hair around.A storm was rolling in.The barking stopped and an elderly woman approached the window.She couldn't see anything but the dark.Their was a sudden quietness that almost seemed eerie.The latch swung loose and she opened the door.

"My dad just got taken away in an ambulance can I use your phone?"I begged her

She didn't understand me and shook her head

"Telefono?"I signaled with my hand

"Si,si"she waved me in

I dialed Robbie's number.Thank God I memorized it.


"Robbie pick me up please!"

"Lina I'm driving home still"

"Turn around my dad is hurt because Ricky"

"I'm coming"he hung up the phone

That night went by and my dad finally came home a few day later.Ricky hit him hard enough to cause sever internal bleeding in his liver and kidney.He has to stay for a while and it looks like I'm staying with Hannah.I tried calling her she still never answered.Robbie dropped me off at her apartment and I knocked on the door.She opened up the door.

"Hannah!"I ran up to her and hugged her

She looked shocked and she pushed me off of her.

"Um,hi.."she said

I walked inside and to her room.I sat down on her bed and looked up at the mirror on the ceiling.

"Han you've been dissing me"I said pulling out chips from under her bed 

"Well"she said closing the door

I shoved a bunch of chips in my mouth.Hannah tucked her hair behind her ears and crossed her arms.

"I think I'm pregnant"she whispered

My eyes shot open and I spit out the chips

"Are your sure,Hannah!?"

"Well I had sex the night of the bowling party and I missed my period.I've been really moody and bloated"she frowned covering her stomach

"Well Hannah if you are, you have to keep it"

"I know,Lina!"

I sighed and stood up and gave her a huge hug

"No matter what I'm here for you Hannah and I love you"

"I know.I just didn't want anyone to know"she whispered

We got up and went to the kitchen.Hannah was a wise girl and she'd be the last to get pregnant.She knew everything perfectly.She could read people inside out.I fixed Pizza Rolls.Her favorite and we split them.The rest of the night she just wasn't the same.She was pale and her hair was dull.I found out why after she finished her 20 pizza rolls.She puked all over me.

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