Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 ♥

I rolled over  kicking my legs out behind me and shot something out of my bed

"UNF!"someone grunted

I shot up with my hair sticking to my face leaning over the edge with my pillow in my hand,ready to hit the creep.I glanced over and smacked the guy with my pillow really hard.I looked down and it was Robbie.He was bunched up in a ball groaning on the floor.

"Oh,my gosh!"I screamed jumping up 

He stood up grabbing his junk

"You sure have good aim"he grunted adjusting

"When did you get in here?"I questioned

"I couldn't stop thinking about you and I was tempted because you were so close,so I had to sleep next to you"he scratched his head lifting his eyebrow.

A smile spread across my face and I lifted my head up meeting his hazel eyes.He leaned in.Then I realized it was the morning!

1.I look like shit

2.I have morning breath

3.He was flawless!

I pulled away.His eyes got wide.

"Is it my breath?I already brushed my teeth"Robbie sniffed his hand

"No!It's mine"I blushed rushing to the bathroom.

I power scrubbed my teeth and pulled my hair into a high pony tail.I brushed on make up and ran to my room to grab some clothes.Robbie stopped me,grabbing my arms.

"Hey,hey.You don't need to get dolled up for me..your beautiful"he grabbed a tissue and wiped on my makeup.He embraced me and ran his fingers down my back.

He was shirtless and in his boxers and he had an 8 pack!I mean he was perfect.Yummy!Oh my gosh I just wanted to touch all over his body but it'd be very demanding.He saw me looking and he grabbed my hand and looked down.I got nervous and my hands got sweaty.He smirked and placed my hand on his chest and ran it down all the way to the hem of his boxers.His full lips were pink and moist looking and he licked them.I couldn't resist I was so ready to just jump on him.

I looked down and he went under me and started kissing me.I ran my hands all over him.He had his hands on my ass and he pushed me up against the wall.I pushed him back further until we fell ontop of my bed and I climbed ontop of him,still making out.I kissed my way down to his neck and started kissing it.Robbie moaned and then stopped.He opened his eyes, pushed me off,and jumped off the bed.He had my pillow covering his crotch.

"Sorry"he ran to the bathrooom 

I bursted out laughing.He came back in a few minutes later.

"Sorry, I had to tame my cobra.He was coming out of his cage"he chuckled

I looked down and the lump went down.I didn't even realize it but it was hilarious.

"Today do you want to go to my place?"he questioned

"Yeah,of course"

"Get dressed ,I'll go grab some pants"Robbie gestured

"Shirt too?"

"Nah"he chuckled

He left my room and I started getting changed.If I was going to see his family I needed to look classy so I pulled on jeans and a blouse that buttoned up.I pulled my hair the the back and fishtail braided it.I put on foundation but no eye make up so I looked natural.I pulled on white flats and put in silver hoops.Someone knocked at my door.

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