Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ♥

I patiently watched as the guys wrapped up their game so I got up and started walking home.Walking past the park I started hearing faint footsteps behind me so I quickend my steps,so did they.I didn't want to look back I was too scared .I started to slow down but the person was still walking fast and thought they were just trying to go around me.I spun around and slammed my face straight into shirtless-guys chest.

"Oh,I'm sorry I was texting"he apologized

His cheeks flushed and he scratched the back of his neck.He had his hand around my waist from catching me.I looked down and saw both of our phones fell.I reached down still looking at his gorgeous eyes and stuffed my phone in my pocket.

"I'm L-"

"Lina"he cut me off "I know"he smirked

"I'm Robbie"reaching out his hand

"Um,I don't handshake.I hug"I suggested

He raised and eyebrow and smiled goofy.He crossed his arms, flexing the muscles on his body.I bit my lip.Was he going to or not?Maybe I came on too strong.I turned away and he grabbed my waist pulling me in I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Nice to meet you"he snickered

He was warm and firm,but I wondered how many times has he done that to girls.I let go and started walking I turned around and he picked up his phone smiling at me and put it in his pocket.I got a really tingly feeling but I brushed it off.I didn't want to fall for him.He was too good.


When I got home I got a gajillion text messages and when I pulled my phone out of my pocket I realized it wasn't mine.It was Robbies' phone!I didn't wan't to be nosey but I just read the messages that appeared on the screen.

1 New Message


Party tonight at Kaylyns' house 8-11 Be.....

I didn't read the rest of the message.I couldn't be nosey.Even though I really was,it was wrong.What if he was reading my messages?Would it make it fair?

1 New Message


Party tonight,my house :) come pl....

Man was he popular.Kaylyn was a gorgeous girl.She had long blond hair that she always curled in big barrel curls.Her eyelashes were long and dark and brushed her cheeks when she blinked.She's a cheerleader.Typical for a girl like her,and she was very smart.She is perfect.Exept she doesn't hang out with people like me.

1 New Message


Hey :)

Woah,Woah,Woah.Jamiee♥?Maybe that was his girlfriend.I knew it was too good to be true. I grabbed the house phone and dialed my number.I rang twice then he picked up.

"I was hoping you'd call!"he enthused

"You took my phone"he teased

"Um,I didn't know until now,sorry"

"Mhmm,If you wanted my number you could have asked"he chuckled

I could hear him walking through his house and slowly breathing.Then a door closed,and he sat on a bed.

"So tonight you should come to Kaylyns' party"

Woah I can't believe he invited me!

"Um,yeah.Then we could exchange phones"

"Sounds like a plan."he agreed

"Oh by the way,you have 10 new messages" I teased

"Feel free to read away,my phone is yours till tonight"

I checked the clock it was 7 o' clock

"Oh,shit!I should go take a shower"he fussed

"Shower away.."

"So,I'll see you tonight,Lina?"

"No promises"I grinned

"See you later,then" he whispered

"Bye"I giggled.

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