Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 ♥

I left Hannah's apartment and I walked home.It gave me enough time to think.This was crazy,my life I mean.My dad is hurt,my boyfriends moving,my brother is in jail,my best friends pregnant, and I'm...fine.I'm absolutely fine.I feel guilty of being fine,I really do.I got home and my dad was asleep on the couch with the t.v. still on.I turned it off and laid a blanket over him.I tied my hair up and went outside.Each of my footsteps slowly following the other I walked toward the basketball courts.I found an old ball and started shooting and dribbling.I got really hot and frustrated and started playing non stop.I found my face wet and drenched.It was raining and I didn't seem to notice.I looked around and it all set in.My brother was in jail,my dad was dying,my boyfriend was moving,and my best friend was pregnant.I fell to my knees and started crying.The rain seeping through my thin shirt and someone picked me up from behind.I turned and it was my dad.He was pale and his veins were protruding from his muscles.He held me on his lap and I just cried.He stroked my head.He understood.

"Daddy are you going to be okay?"I whispered

"Honey I don't know but my kidneys are failing.I'm gonna get a transplant and everything is going to be okay"he rubbed my back

"What about Ricky?"I sniffled

"Don't worry about Ricky,Lina.He'll be fine"he consoled


I taped the box shut and wiggled it into my arms Nate popped the door open and I balanced my way to the blue Mustang.Duke and Nala were piled in the back seat ready to take a drive.Robbie closed the door and grabbed the dogs by their collars and out of the car.

"Today's the day"he sighed resting his arm on the top of his car.

I nodded my head and slowly walked over to him.He picked me up and sat me on top of the car.

"I'm gonna miss you Lina"he smiled

I looked down at my feet

"Web-cam me?"I sighed

He tickled my stomach 

"Of course"he flashed a smile

He took me of the car and I buried my face in his chest and hugged him for a long time.Taking in everything I could.His smell,his hands,his eyes,everything.I didn't want him to go,but he had to.He brushed the hair out of my face and kissed me for the last time.He started the car and waved to me.He drove down the long driveway and disappeared.

Nate and his sister came up and hugged me.I picked Natalie up.

"He'll be back" Natalie said wiping my tears. "Don't cry"

Nate smiled at me.

"You're a strong kid, Lina" he flashed a smile at me

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