Chapter 2

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Jinxx' P.O.V.

The guys and I were sitting on the tour bus when our manager called me.

(Convo is in call form)

Jinxx: hello
Manager: Jinxx you and the band need to adopt a kid
Jinxx: what why?
Manager: because it'll be better for you image, now go and adopt a kid!
Jinxx: ok ok, we'll go and adopt a kid.

(Convo over)

"Dude? What do you mean we have to adopt a kid?" Jake asked, the guys nodded, "apparently we have to adopt a kid because it would look make our image look better" I replied.

~20 minutes later~

(Still Jinxx' P.O.V.)

We pulled up to an orphanage, we walked in and a lady walked up to us smiling "hello, I'm Mrs. Taylor, are you looking to adopt a kid?" She asked, "yeah, we're looking for someone aged 13 to 16" I told her with a smile, "ok, follow me" she says while walking to what looks like a meeting room. "Here are some of the kids files" she said while handing us some files.

I finished looking at the files before the guys and none of the kids look good, "hey guys, look at this girl, her name is sky, she's 16 years old, she has red hair, she's been here her whole life, and she loves music" Jake said, "she's seems cool, let's talk to her" I say. We told Mrs. Taylor we would like to talk to sky, and five minutes later a girl with red hair walks in and sits down in front of us, when she looked at us her eyes went wide.

A/N: hey guys hope you like this.

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