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Hey guys! I'm so, so, sorry that it took me so long to post something. I've been really busy trying to get ready for school, witch starts on September 5th this year. I've just been trying to get everything, meaning my schools uniform, a new backpack, etc. together before I get into grade 12.

So with that being said, I might not be able to update I much as I want to when school starts, so I might make a book to update you guys on when I'm going to be able to update and when I can't update.

I really hope you guys understand with this whole thing. Grade 12 is just going to be a really stressful year for me with trying to get good grades and for me to try and find a job so I can save up a lot money for me to go to college. I need about $300, 000 to survive where I want to go for 4 years for schooling.

Again, I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update something. And I'm sorry that this wasn't the update you guys were expecting.

~~~ Abby

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