Chapter 14: Breakup Mixup

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March 2, 2013

~Katie's POV~

Dear Diary

I'm going to meet my cousin at the airport she really wanted to meet the boys. Her name is Avery. Well gotta go byez

Until next time Katie

"Bye everyone I'm meeting Avery at the airport. With Niall come leprachaun come. Bye."

When we arrived at the airport a tall skinny girl was sitting on the bench she wasn't too much taller than me but she was taller. I ran up to her and yelled "Avery".

She stood up as she heard her name. I gave her a big hug and she looked down a bit and said "Katie". I said "I brought someone with me"

She said "which one".

I yelled "NIALL"!!!!!!!

She yelled "YES!!!

I called Niall he hopped out of the car and said "hey Avery" in his american accent.

I wispered in Avery's ear, "he has a girlfriend".

She said, "dang it"

Niall laughed.

During the ride I noticed that Niall couldn't take his eyes off Avery.

I smiled and flicked him in the forehead he didn't move an inch.

When we arrived I said "let's go in"!They both said alright. When we came in everyone liked her they thought she was beautiful. She thanked them and we all went to bed............

Three weeks later

Niall was still checking Avery out, I told him to stop before Bridgette noticed or even Avery noticed.

" Well maybe I will break up with Bridgette first Katie. Did u ever think of that?" Niall said. I honestly couldn't believe what Niall had just said.

" Why would you do that? I thought you loved Bridgette."

"I do love Bridgette just not in that way anymore. I really like Avery. I just can't be with Bridgette anymore, it to hard to see Avery everyday knowing I like her, and not being with her it's just hard."

I could tell by what Niall just said and the look in his eye was serious, he really did like Avery.

Before I could say anything else Niall had already said goodbye and was out the door. I knew exactally what he was going to do... he was going to break up with Bridgette.

~Niall's POV~

On the way to Bridgette's I was explaning to Zayn what I was about to do. Then it became quiet for the rest of the ride there.

I have finally made up my mind on who I truly wanted to be with, it was Avery. There is something about Avery, I just can't keep my eyes off of her, she is georgous, beauitful, and she has one of the best personalities. The one thing I'm worried about is if Avery won't want me back. The thought of her rejecting me scares me. Even if Avery rejects me, I still feel like I have to break up with Bridgette , I just don't feel the same way about her anymore, I have simply moved on.

Soon enough Zayn pulls into Bridgette's drive way. Zayn looks at me and says " Good luck mate"

"Thanks I'll need it".

I walked up the sidewalk and knocked on the door. She yelled ''Come In .''

I yelled ''It's me''

''I'll be down in a sec''

When she walked down I said ''We need to talk''

''ok what about''

''It's about us I think we should break up.''

''What do you mean.''

''I mean I think we shouldn't go out anymore.''


" because I don't feel the same as I did when I met you. Well I have to go bye.''

( Sorry about the twist guys I just wanted to make this interesting well PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!!! XOXOXO )

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