Chapter Twelve

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3 horrible weeks later...

"Wake up Scum!" A guard shouted at Alex, she didn't even think of replying because she was too weak and sore from all of the beatings from the past three weeks. She had been whipped for attacking a commander, bitten on the paw for being disobedient and smashed against the wall of her cell for not listening to what Steve had to say. On her right and left arms through the ripped clothing there were six deep cuts that could get infected. There were cuts and bruises all over her body and dried up blood smudged on the side of her forehead.

Alex wobbled to her feet trying to hold onto the wall for balance, her ankles hadn't healed that much from the attack a few weeks ago because of the extra beatings and being practically starved. With all of the heavy chains on her it was harder for her to move especially with the decreasing amount of energy she had left.

Taylor had allowed her to transform back into her human form since she explained that being in wolf form too long gets harder to change back. Taylor brought her food everyday and would sit and keep her company for a while. She hated her for everything she had done but she has had a mutual bond with her. Taylor explained how and why she got caught up with Steve and his plans to bring down the queen. In a way it wasn't her fault since she was being forced by Steve but she could still resist. Taylor mentioned to Alex that she regretted most of the things she has done while working for Steve but the other things she doesn't regret she can live with.

'This room is so disgusting.' Alex's wolf said, she had to agree with her, in all the time she had been there the room hadn't been cleaned once. The room was lit with one flame torch by the entrance.

The clicking sound of the keys unlocking the heavy lock in the old wooden door bounced off the walls in the room. Alex's head shot towards the sound to see Steve standing at the entrance of the doorway with a wide grin plastered on his face, in his tight hands he held the keys to Alex's cell. He stepped into the dirty room and locked the door behind him.

He walked closer to Alex's cell smiling, he stood by the cell door ready to open it. "Are you going to behave yourself today?" Steve asked as if he were talking to a child staring down at her. He went inside the cell and locked it behind him making sure Alex cannot get out. Once he got close enough to Alex she mustered up the energy to let out a low warning growl. He ignored it and stepped closer but was knocked back by Alex forcefully pushing him into the metal bars of the cage.

"Is that a good enough answer dick?" Alex replied happy that she took a stand against the evil man. She remained leaning back against the bars glaring daggers at Steve. He eventually came out of his shock and picked himself up wiping his mouth as he drew blood. He examined Alex up and down wondering how she has so much energy for a creature that has been brutally beaten multiple times a day and fed once every two days.

He hastily grabbed Alex and smacked her across her face causing it to turn red and swollen. He threw her on the ground, punched and kicked her until she couldn't barely move her arms or legs. He smiled wickedly hovering over her.

"After today I think you will want to start listen." Steve said calmly into her left ear making Alex scream and her wolf angry. He covered her mouth with his hand and ripped off her remaining clothing and helped himself...

Alex could not do nothing, she could not defend herself as all of her attempts were failures. She felt disgusting, repulsive, weak! She was in so much pain that tears started to form, Alex didn't want to let him see that he had won because he had seen her crying. She tried to fight back but she couldn't.

After an hour and a half he had finished, he got up and dressed himself leaving Alex on the ground to freeze. "You'll listen to me from now on or there will be more where that came from whore!" Steve spat out leaving the room pleased with himself.

A slave's messed up life (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now