Important Note!

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This isn't probably what you wanted, another chapter but I feel like I needed to say something. I haven't given up on this fanfic. A lot of stuff has been going on in my life that I have no control over and been having more suicidal thoughts than I ever had in my whole life and came pretty close a couple times but I didn't cause have a fear a death. I get close but then I chicken out. Please don't pity or worry about me I don't think that I can take that kind comments.

Once everything is fine or at least better I'll start updating again. I don't feel like I can put all of my heart into writing this right now and I don't want to write when I can't put all my heart and effort in it. I'll start updating immediately once I feel like I can. I hope you all understand.

Thank you everyone who has took the time to read this fanfic and I hope that you don't give up on it.

Have a nice day!

Nightmare~ Mabill (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now