Chapter 7

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Michael's p.o.v

I look around the table, but stop when I see Calum looking at Luke and I with a creepy look on his face. I'm not even gonna lie, it kind of creeped me out. I gues Luke was creeped out to because he took a piece of his bacon and chunked it at Calum.

"Hey!" He yelled, startled out of his trance by the bacon. Luke started giggling like crazy.

"I'm sorry, but you were starting to creep me out." Luke said, while giggling his heart out. This little cutie giggles more than Ashton, and we're going to pretend I just didn't say that.

"Dude what were you thinking about any way." I questioned actually wanting to know what he was thinking.

"Oh just about how i'm going to get Muke together." He said and continued to eat. I heard silverware drop and I looked over to see Lucifer looking angry and jealous. Oh I know this fuck face is not jealous. I mean he's the one who cheated on me.

"Is this some type of joke, Michael we break up a month ago and you're already pining over some else! What the fuck. Oh and better yet my little fucking brother! What the fuck Michael!" He yelled at me, while standing up. What the fuck. We went from eating breakfast to me getting yelled at. This escalated really quickly. Luke looked at me waiting for my response, but I stayed quiet. I didn't want to make him mad. Same goes for Ashton and Calum we don't want to make him angry it is the worst.

"Lucifer you can't be jealous cause Michael is getting over you. I mean you did cheat on him, and what does it matter if the person he is pining over is me. Who knows I may come to like him when I get to know him more, but you need to calm down and think before you say stupid shit. Now sit your ass down and be quiet!" Luke snapped at him. I'm pretty sure everyone's jaw dropped. I mean no one and I mean no one has ever back talked Lucifer. Lucifer glared at him and sat down. He was quiet the rest of breakfast.

After breakfast I went to find Luke to thank him for defending me. I found him outside on the trampoline. I walked to the trampoline and jumped up to get on it.

"Hey Luke." I said whil sitting next to him. He was on his phone looking through twitter. He looked up at me and smiled his beautiful smile.

"Hey Michael. What cha need" He said, and put his phone down beside him. I started twiddling with my fingers. Trying to get the courage to thank him.

"I just wanted to thank you for defending me earlier." I whispered to him. I was embarrassed, because he had to defend me because I was to scared to say anything.

"Don't worry about it. I know how Lucifer is. He's an asshole and he'll yell at you, tease you, and insult you. But when you do it back all hell breaks loose. He can do it to you guys, but you guys can't even think about doing it to him without it being a problem. Like earlier, he likes someone else, but when you like someone else it's a problem. Am I right?" Luke ranted. My eyes were wide because he got everything on point and to a T.

"Yeah how'd you know that?" I ask in confusion. While staring at him.

"Michael i've lived with Lucifer since we were born. I know how Lucifer gets and let me tell you something. You guys can't let him get away with those things you need to speak up and tell him enough is enough. If you don't he'll start to think it's okay and it's really not. Don't ever be scared to tell him to shut up or stop, because he needs to know when he goes to far. If you don't he'll say some really hurtful stuff and I know this from experience." He spoke, and I was shocked because I could tell that Lucifer must have said some really hurtfull things by the tears in his eyes.

I hugged him and rubbed his back. What exactly happened in the past that hurt Luke so bad? What did Lucifer say or do to him?

A/N: this chapter was based on my brothers personality basically.

P.S. For some reason when I think of fem!luke I think of him with that hairstyle^^

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