Chapter 17

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Luke's p.o.v

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I opened my eyes and looked around and seen I wasn't in my room or better yet my house. I started to panic when I looked outside and seen nothing, but farmland.

"Lillian! Wake up! I whisper yelled in panic. She didn't wake up, so I pushed her off the bed.

"What the hell was that for?" She yelled. I hurried up and covered her mouth and put a finger to my lips.

"Lillian we're still in this creepy dudes house." I whispered and moved my hand from over her mouth.

"Fuck I thought that was a nightmare! How are we going to get out?" She asked me. I looked at her and crossed my arms.

"I don't know!" I almost shouted. I got up and started pacing. I walked in front of the mirror and did a double take when I realized I wasn't wearing the clothes I fell asleep in.

"Lillian did you change me?" I whispered. She shook her head. I looked over and seen she wasn't in her clothes either. We both had these pink babydoll dresses on that went to our thighs. I went pale at the thought of this stranger touching us while we were asleep.

I ran towards the door to try and get, but it was locked. This man has locked us in. What the hell!

"Lillian the door is locked." I said to her with a tone of fear and anger.

"What! No it's not. Here let me try." She said walking over and pulling on the knob, but the door didn't budge.

"Oh my god the creepy fuck locked us in! How are we going to leave now?" She said while panicking. She turned around and looked at the window. I did not like the look on her face. She walked to the window and started to open it.

"No Lillian we're not jumling out a window!" I said and sat down on the bed with my arms crossed.

"You want to stay here with the creep then." She said and continued to pull the window up. I huffed and walked over to her and got onto the ledge. I didn't even get time to adjust myself before she pushed us off the ledge. Lucky this man takes care of his yard or we would have had some broken bones.

"Oh hey I know where we are! We're like twenty minutes away from home." She said and started walking. I quickly followed her.

"Wait so you're telling me we could have made it back home yesterday?" I ask in disbelief, because if i'd known that I wouldn't have panicked.

"Yeah, but we needed to get out of there for awhile." She said and continued walking.

About ten minutes into the walk I realized we never grabbed our clothes.

"Um Lillian you know we didn't grab our clothes, which means we're walking barefoot and almost naked down a dirt road." I said while looking at her.

"Well shit you're right. Oh well we'll take showers and change when we get home." She said. I put my hand on my neck and winced in pain.

"Hey you okay?" Lillian asked in confusion.

"No. My neck hurts." I said and removed my hand and she gasped.

"What! What wrong?" I asked in alarm. She mumbled something, but I couldn't make out what she said.

"What?" I asked.

"He gave you a fucking hickey Luke!" She yelled. I felt my eyes widen and I felt my neck again and felt the teeth marks.

Holy shit!

I know boring.

P.S. Creepy dude above^^

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