Chapter 13

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Luke's p.o.v

I couldn't sleep last night after Michael left. I didn't want him to leave he's like teddy bear, warm and cuddly. I don't want to admit this out loud, but im starting to like Michael more and more everday. He understands me, he doesn't judge me like most people in his situation would. I mean come on most people would have left after the first fight me and Lucifer had, but Michael really doesn't have a choice. He has to stay if he wants to stay alart of the band.

I noticed that Lucifer is getting more jealous after the situation that happened at breakfast a few days ago. He keeps cockblocking me and Michael. We can be just sitting down watching tv and he'll come and sit between us or one he grabbed Michael and drug him off. Ever since that incident Micheal has been distant . I mean he has nothing to be jealous of he's the one that broke up with Michael. I think Michael has been noticing to, but doesn't want to say anything about it.

I have to admit that with everything that has been going on. It's kinda making me depressed. My brother isn't talking to me and whatever he did to Michael makes him nervous around me.

Michael's p.o.v

I know you thin i'm being an asshole for ignoring Luke, but after what Lucifer did I don't want to be near Luke. I feel as if I betrayed him. I can't believe I let that happen. I ducked up big time and when Luke finds out he's gonna hate me. I don't want him to hate me, but I know he's going to. I ruined my chance at love again.

Lucifer's p.o.v

I can't believe I did that to Luke. I just couldn't stop being jealous. I just had to take something else that my brother liked. I just couldn't stay in my lane. I'm a horrible brother, boyfriend, and friend.

Calum's p.o.v

I can't believe Michael and Lucifer would do that. Well I can say goodbye to Muke happening. Why did they do it? Why did they ruin their relationships. Well relationship and almost relationship.

Ashton's p.o.v

I'm so disappointed in Lucifer and Michael. How could they do that to Luke.

A/n: i know you probably already know what they did.

Also if anything is spelled wrong comment it, so I can fix it.

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