Chapter 10

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Luke's p.o.v

I have good news and bad news. Good news is that the woods didn't continue for much longer. Bad news is that now we're in a field and it's dark. Jacks flashlight died about five minutes into ten minute walk. We could use our phones, but what if we can get a signal. The reason we're not doing it now is because we can't see any of the poles that give the signals out.

"So what are we supposed to do until the morning comes?" Ashton asks, looking around the field frightened. Is he afraid.

"Ashton? Are you scared?" I ask in concern. I rub his back and hug him.

"Yes what if a bear mauls us, or a dear eats our clothes, or a skunk sprays us." He said with in panicked tone. I chuckled at him, because the odds of those things happening are slim.

"Ashton the chances of any of those things happening are very slim. Don't worry about it okay?" I said and hughed him once again.

"Okay." He said with a small smile. I look around for the others. I see Michael, Jack, and Calum all asleep. This is my chance to talk to Ashton about something.

"Hey Ashton." I whisper to him just to make sure I don't wake the others.

"Yes." He responded.

"Do you like Calum?" I questioned while looking up at the stars. I heard him make a weird choking sound and turn to look at me.

"Um..what no of course not." He whispered frantically. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Lying is a sin Ashton. Tell me the truth. I promise to not tell Calum." I whispered knowingly.

"Okay maybe I do, but please don't tell him Luke. I know for a fact he doesn't like me back." He whispered sadly. I felt bad for Ashton, because you can tell that he really likes Calum. After that every thing went quiet.

"Hey Ashton?" I whispered once again.

"What Luke?" He whispered back tiredly.

"Who would top?" I whisper with a smug look on my face.

"Shut up Luke." He whispered and turned on his side.

Calum's p.o.v

Ashton Likes me? That's impossible. How can someone as great as Ashton like me? Was he joking? Did I hear mishear what he said? Yeah I misheard what he said. Ashton doesn't like me. No one will ever like me. I mean who wants to like a broken boy?

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