Just Like A Divorce - Forty Two

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Thursday March 30th - 9:15 AM - Las Vegas - Dean's apartment

18 days till WrestleMania (so IN THE STORY WrestleMania falls on April 16th)

"I feel like Roman and Seth are our parents" Dean chuckles as he sips on his coffee.

"Okay, don't say that" I shake my head as I continue to peel my orange. "Because when you say that you are implying that we're brother and sister and being that we've... Yeah know-"

"Had sex."


"Why couldn't you just say sex?" He laughed.

"Leave me alone" I throw an orange peel at him.

"Never!" He smiles at me before kissing my cheek. "I lo-"


So, Roman's here.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He bangs on it.

"Why, why, why." Dean mumbles to himself before getting up to answer the door.

Both Roman and Seth live in Florida. They live six houses down from each other. They see each other while taking out the trash, going on jogs, mowing the lawn. That wouldn't be a problem if they weren't upset with each other.

You see, they have a very brotherly relationship. That's why I'm not worried about their friendship because I know that after all this they'll be okay again. Friends. But when they are upset with each other, it's like war. Distance is the key. And hey, if keeping them apart means I get another shot at the championship, THEN HELL YEAH, I'll keep the little shits away from each other. So I invited Roman to come out to Vegas while I was out here too hanging out with Dean.

"Hello hello" Dean smiles at Roman once he opens the door.

"I brought food, and beer, you're welcome" Roman says as he hands Dean the bag full of everything he loves.

"Ya know Ro, I wasn't really excited about having you come over, because I wanted to have sex with my girlfriend all day-"

"Fair enough" Roman says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"But now, because of this," he points to the bag of beer and food "I am" he smiles.

"He likes beer and food more than me" I frown at Roman. "I'm sad."

"He called you his girlfriend though" Roman raises his eyebrows.

Oh shit..

"ANYWAYS," Dean shouts. "Lets get distracting!"

"What?" Roman laughs.


Roman stares at the both of us confused "Beau, that was the worst cover up I've ever heard-"

Dean grabs the remote and presses play. "Listen baby," He uses the remote as a microphone. "ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby!"

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