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                Simone propped against a counter in the snack room, organizing her points as she watched Sasha try to horde the food they'd just provided their new in-house ninjas. They looked unsure of the sweatpants and t-shirts they'd been provided with after their shower; they tugged and rubbed on them now, apparently unfamiliar with the fabrics.

Claire had told her to lead the discussion, since she was the head psychologist. "Alrighty. Let's start this off honest. We want to help you guys, but we gotta know the whole truth. So, is there anything--anything that could be pertinent info that we might want or need to know about you?"

There was weighted silence.

"I can turn into a titan," Eren said suddenly.

"Come again?"

"Is that why you were unconscious and missing your hand when I found you all?" Claire asked perkily.

Eren nodded and continued, "I use my titan form to help humanity, but sometimes its hard on my human body."

"Okay! We'll come back to that. Anything else?"

"Mikasa and I aren't normal," Levi started. "There's something about our lineage that makes us stronger and faster, regardless of our size."

"Like performance enhancers?" asked Everett.

"We don't have whatever those are inside the walls."

"I think we should do blood work on all of you," said James.

"I agree; could you get some collection kits?" James hustled out of the room.

"Can you take some of Eren's spinal fluid?" Hange asked.

"Sure, but why?" asked Everett.

"To help us discern his titan powers," she answered.

"May we ask some questions, mam?" Armin asked.

"He's ADORABLE! Does he kill giants, too? So cute, so cute..." "Of course," Simone said instead of what she was thinking.

"Why didn't you give us to your government?"

"Well, your story sounded ridiculous at first, but if NASA was looking for you with that much man power, there were two explanations. Either, you're brainwashed government test subjects, or telling the truth," said Claire.

"Either choice still ended with helping you being the right answer—morally speaking," said Ferric.

"Immorally?" asked Armin.

"Immorally... we would hand you over to feds, pretend this never happened and hope they don't kill us for talking to you," said Everett. "There are rumors about our government killing people who threaten to expose their secrets one way or another."

"They why do you continue with them in charge?" Erwin asked.

That was a tough question.

"I suppose," Simone started hesitantly, "because 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few' sometimes. They encourage technological advance, we elect our officials, there are laws against discrimination of women and minorities... even with the slow progress to true acceptance of all types of people, it's still the most likely place to live a successful, free life, even if you aren't a white male."

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