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A little science-y dialogue, because what's better than educated shenanigans?? Haha, thanks for all the likes and comments so far!

Simone approached the exercise room at work thirty minutes later and heard a series of frantic exclamations followed by urgent shushing. "Who has lost their mind? Clearly they've forgotten we are actively breaking the law . . ." she thought before pushing open the door. It turned out to be Hange producing the excited outbursts with Moblit behind, trying to act as Hange's better judgement. Hange was bending towards a very large microscope with Everett and James on either side of them. Ferric leaned carelessly back on a chair's hind-legs, eyes closed and seeming peaceful.

"Where's Claire?" Simone asked, bringing their attention to herself.

"She had to go to a recital," said Everett. "Come check this out!"

Simone obliged and peered down into the microscope while Moblit tried to scribble down all Hange's science-y buzzing. Human cells were being broken down by proteins, but before the body could be destroyed, the cells would rebuild themselves as if she were witnessing a fast forwarded video of the process. She watched, transfixed as the cell killers fruitlessly began their task again. Rising, she said, "That's unusual." Glancing toward the slide, she noticed it was releasing a thin wisp of vapor. "Does Eren give off steam, sometimes, Hange?"

"Yes, of course! Every time he uses his titan form or focuses on healing himself! Some of the titans we've faced use the steam to ward us off. It's amazing, isn't it?!"

Simone took in Hange's maniacal face with a little concern. "It is, but are you always like this?" Moblit looked at Simone with the weariest face she had ever seen.

"I just get so excited when I talk about titans and the science behind them!" Hange answered, nearing Simone until their noses were almost touching. "With the miraculous equipment of your world, we should be able to make great strides in the titan field! How could I not be in high spirits?"

A tickled smile spread onto Simone's face at Hange's antics. "Totally understandable. But, that looked like a muscle cell. I thought we were using his nerve cells?"

"We were," answered James. "Of course, it kept dissolving. Once we finally found a method of viewing it, we saw that it had a strangely large number of a type of modified stem cells."

"The stem cells didn't do anything until we introduced them to another kind of cell from Eren's body," Everett said. "And then, not only did the cell make itself into whichever cell it met, it started replacing the faulty cells with perfect ones."

"You must see this type of biological miracle every day, huh?" Simone asked Ferric, who was still unfazed.

"Ha. I was riding the hype train on fan-boy wheels, too. But that things been rebuilding itself for hours. It's just like watching an ant-hill," he explained, setting the chair's legs back on the floor and leaning toward them.

Simone wondered how long the cycle would continue. "Has it changed pace at all?"

"Not as long as it has some sunlight. The cells from the spinal cord have chloroplasts in them. After setting it in the dark for a few hours, the process slowed so much that the caspases were actually able to destroy the regenerating cells."

"It makes so much sense!" Hange burst out, looking feverish. "Non-shifter titans aren't active at night. Now we know why. Moblit!!" Hange whipped their index finger in his direction. "Write "chloroplasts" down with a definition and draw a picture of it! Hurry!!"

"You don't have to have him write everything down by hand, you know. Just use the phones," Simone offered.

Ferric shook his head and said quietly, "They know."

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