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Short update this time around, guys, sorry. I promise it'll be much longer next time!! Thanks for reading!

Simone wondered how she knew this, but thought it best to be safe rather than sorry. "Sasha says we need to clear out, y'all."

"So we're doing the 'Mile High' escape plan?" Everett asked excitedly.

"Killer name," Ferric said approvingly. Eren lowered his titan's hands allow them to step on while the Survey Corps members attached themselves to his shoulders. Simone made her way towards his waiting palms but inexplicably found herself swung up onto TitEren's head. She dropped to her knees on the hairy hot surface and looked around for the source of her elevation.

"You were taking too long," Levi said, crouching closer to her. "Hold on." Eren began a slow trot back to where their cars were parked and away from the open area. Simone wrapped giant strands of hair around her fists so she wouldn't slide off the giant as he traipsed through the thick brush. The titan's extra-long legs covered ground quickly so they reached their vehicles within minutes. Eren made sure everyone had vacated his titan then it collapsed and from another burst of steam emerged normal Eren at the nape of its neck.

Simone watched him extricate himself from the sizzling flesh with deep depressions marring his face. "Is that going to dissolve fast enough? Before anyone can discover it and take a picture?" James asked.

"They evaporate pretty quickly, and Eren's is not overly large. It should be fine," Erwin answered.

They hurried into their cars and Simone called to them, "Remember! Straight home, you were home all night. Practice the lies if you need to!" She had looked to Claire on that last note, who nodded. Each car quickly made its back to the main road and went their respective directions.

She looked in her rearview mirror and saw helicopters and search lights roving around the clearing they'd just fled. "Praise be to Sasha's animal instincts," Simone said as she sped back towards her apartment."

Simone's heels clicked into her bedroom as she unbuttoned the high collar of her costume. A lament for her lost hairdo left her lips while she tried to slip out of the tight jacket. The motion went awry and soon devolved into an all-out struggle against the clinging garment.

Levi stood shirtless in the doorway, watching her from behind until she went limp, defeated. "This is like seeing a beetle trapped on its back."

Simone looked over her shoulder at him and waved her arms, saying, "Why don't you make yourself useful?"

He approached her idly. "Why didn't you ask for help in the first place, shitty fat ass?"

"Because I usually have to get myself out of this kind of fuck up," she watched the muscles in his bare arms as he gently pried the fabric away and she was freed. She rose up and took a relieved breath as he handed her the white jacket back.

"Are you going to watch TV tonight?" he asked.

"Maybe some porn," she thought to herself mischievously. "No, I'm gonna shower and go to bed. Its late and I'm stinking up my own home with nature smell," is what she said aloud as she tried her best to develop a photographic memory of his sculpted pale form. "I've got some schlicking to catch up on, and you are my material. Now if your pants would just happen to fall . . ." She tore herself away from the visual delight and hoped she could get a preliminary bean-flick in while she soaked in the tub.

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