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Here's the last chunk of this chapter for the few of you out there who were waiting. Enjoy!

Simone parked her car in the garage and sifted through her keys, not noticing a man in the path as she approached her apartment complex. "Oof!" she said, bumping into the elderly gentleman and making him drop a small camera he was holding. "I'm sorry sir, I hope it's not broken. . ."
She dropped into a squat to collect the man's things while he realigned his jacket and fedora. "Oh, thank you, young lady. An old codger like me should pay more attention," he commented.
"No, you're fine," she said, handing him the device and smiling at him. She caught a glimpse of his light blue eyes and glasses before he looked down and his hat obscured his profile; something about his face felt familiar. She brushed the feeling off with a bright, "Have a nice day!" and walked speedily up to her apartment door.
Simone inhaled the crisp scent of orange and lemon that greeted her upon entry into the apartment. The windows had been thrown open and she could hear the sounds of the neighborhood floating into the living room area. Levi exited her bedroom as she looped her still straight hair into a tight ball on top of her head.
"I'm ready to help," she said and went toward her room to find her lounge wear. Before she passed the door, though, she noticed something bright-colored in Levi's hands. "Why do you have my vibrators?
"I was putting up your laundry just now and these were in the drawer. They look like dicks."
"Astute observation," Simone said, taking them from him.
"Do you stick those in your pussy?" he asked straightly.
She tried not to let the pleasure she took in his phrasing touch her voice. "Yes, I do."
"And they vibrate?"
"Mm-hm," she said, opening the drawer her toys belonged in.
"Show me."
Simone whipped her head around to look at him, wide eyed with shock. "Should I? Which one would I use? I'm not ready! Fuck! I wore my laundry day panties-these things have holes and look all dingy . . . should I change into lingerie? Or just no panties? Should I rip them off my crotch and hide them in my pant leg? Is that possible? Will this lead to full-on sex? MY BODY IS READY! But these damn fugly drawls, though! Ugh!" Her face revealed none of these thoughts and she asked, "Right now? Inside . . . me?"
"No, you fucking exhibitionist. Just make it vibrate. Outside your 'sugar walls', if at all possible."
"Oh!" she let out a relieved laugh and pressed a button on the blue one easily; she had been trying to steel herself against the pain she assumed came from tearing one's underwear directly from their body. "It twists, too. See," she pressed another button and the phallic instrument whirred from side to side. "I'll probably need to wash it again since you've had your grubby paws all over them, though."
Levi looked insulted. "Mine are the cleanest hands to ever touch that contraption, shitty fat ass. I should sanitize myself."
"Whatevs. A dirty old perv like you befouls everything he touches," Simone sassed him.
"Except you, of course. Can't befoul a cesspool of deviation and degeneracy," he shot back, turning away from the pleasure tools waving at him.
"A cesspool that you stuck your tongue in."
"I'll do it again if it'll make you zip it."
Simone smiled cheekily at his threat and went on to change her clothes.
Levi had already thoroughly cleaned her master suite, the kitchen and dining room in the short time she'd been gone. So, when Simone donned her gloves and tractile slip-ons, put on her energizing playlist, and danced into the living room with a broom, the air around Levi seemed to darken and swell with discord. The music filled the apartment, carrying her through the dull cleaning duty as she swept and mopped. He reserved a special agitation for the more sensual songs in her repertoire; those were the tunes she would wind her hips and caress herself to.
She wiggled her chest to the whine of a violin while she fitted his bed with fresh sheets and Levi seethed as he scrubbed away in the guest bathroom. Simone might've guessed he could see every jiggle as he sanitized the already clean quarters but she didn't mind him. She sashayed right past his surly face and toward the dryer to get out her own bedsheets. A ballad she found particularly seductive spurred her to bend over and sing as she swayed her sizeable booty left to right.
Levi chose then to exit the bathroom right then and caught an eyeful of her rolling derriere. "Could you not? If your ass were a cleaning rag we'd be done already."
"What's the rush?" she said looking up at him from between her legs. "Wouldn't you rather I be thor-o-ough?" she said, sinuously drawing her body upright again and looking over her bouncing shoulder at him.
"Are you?"
"Of course. If I'm tidying up like you want, why can't I get down while I'm at it?"
He followed her as she sauntered across the living room, weaving her arms around herself. "You're going so slow I could literally scour circles around you."
"You're being such a tyrant. Fine, if you want me to go faster, help me with my bed, Napoleon."
"Who is Napoleon?"
"A French Emperor from centuries ago who was short and wanted to conquer the world so he could make everyone clean everything forever," she said and fanned a sheet over her bed.
"Hm. I don't see the problem," he commented as he pulled the sheet tight on one side of the bed.
"I lied about the cleaning part," Simone confessed with a dubious smile.
"Speaking of notable people-who is Beyonce?"
"A black female singer, performer and actress. One of her songs is 'Single Ladies'," Levi answered. "Married to rapper Jay-Z, has a huge fandom."
"Okaaaaay. What about the Terminator?"
"Played by actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, he was Mr. Universe, and is also the governor of this state: California. I still don't know why this is important but he's 'stupid buff'."
"Oh, it's important if you want to seem normal, young grasshopper," Simone said seriously as they worked on the bed. "Who are the Avengers?"
"That depends. Movie, or comics? And if we're talking about the comics, which timeline or universe?"
"Oh-ho! What is a meme?"
"A picture with words on it from the internet."
"Weed, ganja, blow, cannabis, trees. A plant that can make you happy, hungry, and sleepy."
"Name some social networks." Her bed was fixed, so they went into the living room.
"Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram."
Simone sunk into the couch and said, "You did great! Stand still and let me take a selfie of you to celebrate."
Levi began to protest then narrowed his eyes. "That's not a selfie."
"You caught that! Okay, you did good, but next time the questions will be harder." Simone fidgeted as she sat, feeling something hard under her butt.
"I told you I was studying earlier. I'll be ready for your shit questions. It's not like I have any other type of training to do," he said and leaned back comfortably.
She undid the bun crowning her head and let it fall in slight waves. "Well, you have something engaging to look forward to. Next week, we'll be going on a little field trip to watch you and your Survey peeps traipse around in your 3DM gear. And hopefully, Eren will titanize and we'll get some goodies from him."
"'Goodies'? Are you hoping for titan shit?"
"No," she started then began to reconsider, "well, scientifically it would be useful. But you said they throw up the people they eat."
"Guess I'm not the only one paying attention."
"Duh. What kind of scientist would I be if I didn't?" she asked. "We're trying to get samples to help with our understanding of him and other Titans."
"So there's no need for more from me or Mikasa?"
"Feeling left out, little Levi?" Simone said and tilted her head insultingly.
He grabbed Simone's thigh firmly. "I think, by now, you know I don't like to be referred to as 'little'."
Simone smiled devilishly and confessed, "Maybe. I might just like to mess with you."
Levi looked at her and tightened his grip painfully. "Maybe I'd like an apology."
Bittersweet twinges made Simone's teeth grind together. "I'm sorry . . . that you didn't drink enough milk to grow!" she groaned through a clenched jaw.
He sighed and released her thigh. "Wise-ass little shit," he grabbed her wrist as she swatted at his arm.
"That's not how you really feel," she retorted defiantly as he grabbed the other hand she swung at him.
"Oh, I'll show you how I feel," Levi said lowly, his deadpan face inches from hers and imperfected by a single raised eyebrow. Simone found herself suddenly laying on his lap and assaulted by his free hand. Sensitive tickle spots all over her body were poked and she started to thrash and laugh almost immediately. He managed to hold her down and torture her like this for a full minute before tears were in her eyes and she pleaded with him to stop.
"I'm sure your handy dandy height will get you out of this pickle," he mocked her with continuous prods to her sides and thighs.
"Okay! I'm sorry, Levi! I'm sorry for saying you're short!" Simone panted in defeat. The expert jabs ceased and he released her hands. "He almost made me piss myself . . ."
"How kind of you." He rose and made his way to the refrigerator. She heard him gathering things as she rubbed her sides and sniffled, composing herself. He returned with a plate of double chocolate cookies and a glass of milk for her.
Simone huffed. "Are you trying to bribe me after such rudeness?"
"You're one to talk. No, I just like these and you said you drink milk with 'em. Didn't you say you'd be lucky to make it through another cleaning session alive? Celebrate your good fortune."
Simone didn't need much prompting to eat her homemade cookies; she knew the smooth chocolatey flavor would delight her taste buds as the morsels melted on her tongue. "Well, that is a miracle. Especially with you being a stickler for fun-less cleaning." She grabbed a chocolate disc.
"You can't deny that I was more efficient."
"Yes, but that would've been the case regardless. You're . . . optimized for getting into small spaces." Simone thought it best not to poke the bear since he was in a biting mood. "And we still made good time."
Levi looked outside at the street full with sunlight and life of the afternoon bustle. He nibbled on the cookie but said nothing to refute her observation.
"Now we have a whole half a day just waiting to be wasted."
"Tell me what happened with the samples."
"You're interested?"
"I asked about your shitty science experiment, didn't I?"
Simone took an energizing swig of milk and told him all about their discoveries and plans. When she finished he simply said "Hm."
"'Hm'?? That's all you got? That's all you've absorbed from everything I said?"
He looked at her questioningly. "What else is there to say?"
"You could say what you think about it," she said, holding her hands out.
"I think I understood it."
Simone regarded him sarcastically. "Thank you for that fascinating take on Eren's cells. It was conversational genius and I am better for it."
"You're welcome. You all should consider how much steam Eren's transformation will create. Someone might investigate and find us in the woods shitting around with a giant."
She pointed to him brightly, "That's actually helpful."
"Tell me what your Halloween costume will be," he said and bit into one of the chocolate delicacies.
"You've found out about Halloween, too? What else has the internet taught you?"
"It's taught me that you're particularly fond of big dicks and cumshot scenes."
Simone almost choked on her cookie. "What?! How did it teach you that??"
"You don't clear your browser history or use incognito tabs worth a damn," he said matter-of-factly. "It's forever in your recent searches. How much do you 'pet your kitty' on average?"
Simone cleared her throat of chocolate and flipped her hair back from her face. "A lot, especially now that I'm single. It's healthy. Aren't you being nosy?"
"It's not nosiness if the information finds me. And if you're a fucking nymphomaniac, it's only polite that you tell me."
"If I were a nympho, I would've sexed you up by now, so leave me alone. Besides! I don't see you telling what you fap to." She took a thoughtful sip of milk. "Or if you fap at all."
"I don't plan on it."
"On which?"
"That's not fair! You know about my finger fun," she reasoned, jabbing at his arm.
"You didn't have to tell me, I found out," he said with a shrug.
"If I guess it, will you tell me?", she asked as she continued to prod.
"Is it big titties? Little titties? Do you like to motor boat or have just enough for a handful?" she went on guessing in response to his silence. "Booty? Deep throating? Gay porn? Solos? Orgies? Interracial? Professional or amateur? I know I like my porn to have a bit of context. Gangbangs? Tentacle rape? Maybe you like to read your filth. Nothing wrong with some sex-lit. BBW's? Or petites? BDSM? MILFs?"
"Is that what you do with your free time?" he asked.
"One time I watched this nicely aged woman make a 20-something guy tap out," Simone continued. She's one of my role models. How about Furries? Exhibition? Frottage? Lesbians with the extra-long dildo's? Voyeurism? Midgets? Porn's not very politically correct . . ." she went on naming types of sexual media and poking his arm until she had listed everything in her mental stockpile. The only sound coming from Levi was the mushing of cookies between his teeth.
He looked at the digit she pressed him with. "Is this the one you use to finger yourself?"
"Answer my question first."
"You didn't guess it."
"Tell me anyway."
He grabbed her hand to cease the poking. "Fine. I don't have a preferred porn yet. I've only . . . used my imagination."
"That's so vague, though! What do you imagine? I want mor-" he silenced her by putting her own hand over her moving lips and his hand on top.
"So is this the fingering finger?"
"It's more than this one, but I won't spill all the tea today," she thought before nodding her head in answer to him.
"I fantasize about shit that I don't want to tell you about. No means no, right?" he said with a serious stare.
Simone sighed inaudibly and rolled her eyes, even though she felt guilty. She nodded. Levi released her hand. "Shame on you, manipulating my moral code. Now I feel like I've been harassing you."
"That's an accurate feeling."
"Don't worry, I'll find out sooner or later."
"You should stop plotting on me and be happy I didn't tickle, kiss, or spank you.
"Uh-huh. You just want to do all those things because you looooove to feel on all my juicy bits," she rubbed her hands sensually down her rotund torso and thighs as she shimmied what she presumed to be sexily.
"Are you having a seizure?"
"If I am, it's a hot one," she bit her lip for added naughtiness. She stopped suddenly and looked away. "My mom's boyfriend used to do this dumb shimmy too cheer her up sometimes. He was so corny and she loved it," she finished with a small smile.
"She never married?"
"Yes, she married. Not him though," Simone answered vaguely, her smile fading.
"To your father?" he prompted.
"Ha! No, he might as well have been a sperm donor for all the presence he had in my life. My grandfather was all the daddy I needed," Simone said, fond memories of her late grandfather floating to the surface of her mind.
"Then who did your mother marry?"
"This other guy," she said with a wave.
"It must've been pretty short if he was just some 'other guy'."
"Oh, no. His name was Fredrick. She was married for almost ten years."
Levi stared at her. "A decade of marriage and you sound like he's some shitty rando." She shrugged. "Why?"
Simone turned back to him. His face was devoid of interest, yet he was persistently probing. "He won't tell me what he touches himself to, but wants to talk about my genealogy? Ugh, what a buzzkill." "I just don't have much to say about him."
"Why'd they divorce?"
"He died."
"You don't seem very sad about it. He was your stepfather for a while." he said.
"I'm not. I was happy. It doesn't matter what he was to me. What does matter is these cookies need warming up, so they'll be extra gooey and deelish," she said rising from the couch and taking the platter of sweets with her.
Levi watched her go, then turned to her empty seat on the couch. Her phone lay face up and had appeared to have recently been on call. "Who is 'Fuckboy Foolery?'" he called to Simone.
"Huh? From my phone? Oh, that's just my latest failed romantic entanglement. Why?" She started the little box of radiation to heat the cookies.
"You just called him," he raised the phone eye level.
"No I didn't," her brow furrowed as she spoke.
"Hm. Must've been your massive ass."
Simone dropped her voice to a mutter. "You only think it's so massive because you're tiny enough to fit inside." She smiled at her secret burn as the cookies finished. She collected them and turned only to find Levi inches away and glowering at her chin, presumably because he didn't want to demean himself by looking up. "Uhmm, did you hear any-"
"How about," he cut her off and put both hands on the counter behind her, blocking any escape routes, "I see if my foot can get in your ass first, before we commit to the rest of me. Should be fine, since I'm so tiny and you don't learn your lesson."

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