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As Simone scrambled eggs and browned apple slices in cinnamon and honey simultaneously, Levi kept a steady stream of questions coming. "So college is like harder school that you have to pay for. Did you get married in college?"

"No, I've never been married. I had a couple boyfriends in college. They distracted me from my studies, though, so I had to let them go. Are you married?"

"Are you an idiot? Of course not. The Survey Corps weren't a very well favored faction of the military."

"Oh? Why?"

"They saw us as a waste of funds and our death rate is high. I've lost many subordinates."

His silence told Simone they were more than subordinates. "I'm sorry."

"I chose not to be. Their sacrifice contributed towards humanity's survival."

"You really do sound like a soldier. Are all of you guys soldiers, even cute little Armin?"

"Hmph, cute?" Levi snorted.

"Yes! He's a cutie! And he's polite. That's always nice... if not a little boring after a while." She grabbed toast from the toaster.

"He's killed people. And he's a strategic genius, much like Erwin. So, yes, he is a soldier and a valuable one."

"People? Not titan-people? Plain ol' people?" Simone asked as she removed bacon from the over.

"Yes. They were trying to kill us and take Eren, but they were still people."

"Hmmm... people kill each other here, too. Did you kill any of those people?"

"Many. They call me Humanity's Strongest for a reason."

Simone didn't flinch. "Hopefully your blood work will shed some light on you and Mikasa's super-ness." She prepared them each a plate.

"How old are you, brat?" Levi asked.

"Definitely too old to be called a brat," she chuckled. "I'm around your age."


"Close. 30," she said digging in to her breakfast.

"That's hard to believe." He said, sipping cautiously from the glass she sat in front of him. "What is this drink?"

"Orange juice. Are you dissatisfied, sir?

"I've never had it. Do you have tea?" he asked with interest.

"A few, but there are lots of different kinds." She saw he looked less apathetic about that. He dug in to his food and fell into an appreciative silence.

Simone took the chance to study him. She still found his face handsome, even though such asinine stuff came out of it. His shoulders were well shaped for his height and every muscle of his chest was clearly defined through the cotton of his t-shirt. She eyed his bulging arm muscles as he ate. "Ugh he's so stupid but so hot..." He looked up at her and she realized she'd been standing on tiptoe to get a peek of his abs.

"So you're a pervert?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup." She withdrew and began to eat her breakfast.

"Why aren't you ashamed? Don't you have a suitor at all?"

"No. I had a boyfriend for long time until a week ago. Now I'm just enjoying being alone for a while."

"Aren't you too old to be alone?" he asked bluntly.

"Aren't you?" she retorted.

"Shitty brat... I have something I'm extremely dedicated to."

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