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Sooooo, I'm back y'all! I was stretched a lil thin between work, school and family but I'm so sorry! I'm learning to budget my time and energy so I figured if anyone is still waiting I'd post an update. Thanks for reading, and I don't deserve you guys, enjoy!!

Simone opened her apartment door and heard the faint sound of a shower. She dropped her bag and searched the fridge for leftovers to heat up, organizing her thoughts. Levi walked out of the hallway, still damp from the washing, and she asked brightly, “Levi! Would you join me for some vittles?”
He deliberated as he poured himself a drink then went to rest on the stool opposite the kitchen island. They were both silent as she warmed the food.  Simone always felt out of orbit when trying to address something delicately and now was no different. “Fuck delicacy,” she decided and burst out, “Levi we need to talk.”
He had been sipping orange juice, but now drained the glass and sat it down saying, “Good talk,” and walked away.
“What? No! Levi, I want to know what that last night was all about!” He stood still. “Why did you do that? Do you watch me? The things you said—”
He interrupted her, “Why wouldn’t you speak?”
Simone had not expected him to ask that. “Speak? Well, I, uh. . . was taken by surprise,” she said to his back. “And embarrassed. I don’t usually have onlookers while I juice myself. At least not unexpected ones. Do you have a habit of peeping?”
He turned around. “No. I was getting some tea and your door was open. I was going to walk away but you said my name, and I got carried away,” he looked down and his brow furrowed with irritation. “Simone, I didn’t mean to force myself on you. It doesn’t matter what stupid shit I was thinking or what you said. . . if you were uncomfortable at all. . .  I should’ve just walked away. I won’t do anything like that again.”
Simone was struck by the plea in his eyes and worried that she might never satisfy her desire for him. “Is that why you stopped? I wasn’t—I’m not upset, Levi. I was just shocked; I would’ve fought you if I had felt attacked! Why did you think I did?”
He shrugged a shoulder, “People deal with assault differently, and you wouldn’t say a damn thing and I popped up on you in the middle of the fucking night. That sounds like a rape recipe to me.”
Simone laughed. “It really does. But, you don’t have to not do it again. . .” He dropped his distressed expression and tilted his head with a strange glint in his eye. He said nothing so she continued. “I liked it. I freaking loved it. I thought that much was obvious. Y’know, because I came loudly on your hand and licked it off, or whatever.” Simone supposed he was repaying her for her silence last night because he remained quiet. “I was actually wondering why you didn’t do all those things you were saying to me. Did you only say them to get me off?”
Levi’s lips twitched. “No.”
Simone left the steaming plate of broccoli and stepped towards Levi. “So, they’re up for debate?” She touched his moist tank top, closing the space between their bodies.
“Mm, I don’t think so,” he said, looking down at her breasts smooshing against his collar bone.
“Why not? You seemed pretty ‘up’ last night,” she said, running her hands over his abdomen.
“I’m not ready for that.”
“I can get you ready,” she said, making a grab for his crotch.
He caught her by the wrists and looked at her suggestive expression. “I don’t feel comfortable having sex with you.”
Simone narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Are you trying to bluff me into sucking your dick first? ‘Cuz I’ll do it.”
“What the fuck? I’m not trying to trick you, idiot. I’m saying ‘no’,” Levi said plainly.
Simone’s face crumpled as if she’d tasted something sour. “’No’? But—ah, I” she stammered, trying to concoct a reasonable argument. “Don’t you have needs?”
“Of course, I’m not a damn robot. But my dick doesn’t need to be inserted into you for them to be filled,” he kept her hands still, despite her best efforts to worm them into his pants.
“Don’t knock it ‘till you try it.” His silence told her he wasn’t going for that. “Well, what about my needs?”
“Are you in need now?”
“. . . what if I was?”
“I can help like I did last night.”
“What if I don’t want that?”
“I’ll respect that and keep my hands to myself. Just say so if you’re uncomfortable.”
“I’m uncomfortable not sliding down that pole, Levi,” Simone persisted.
Levi let her hands go as he stepped away. “You’re pressuring me for sex, shitty fat ass. You do realize that?”
He had found her horny mind’s weakness: her morals. She floundered for a moment trying to come up with something, but everything she could say was rebutted by her conscience immediately. Levi smirked faintly while watching the cogs sputter and stall in her mind.
Finally, she threw her hands up and exclaimed, “Fine!” She stomped back over to the food and started eating directly from the plate. Levi walked over and tried to get a piece of broccoli but Simone snatched the plate away from him with an angry look. He threw her a peeved expression and mimicked her, “Fine,” as he started to walk away.
“Wait,” Simone said before he’d gone far. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I’m just frustrated.” He came back and chewed on the little trees as she continued. “I’ve been fantasizing about sex with you for a while now and last night we were so close to it actually happening. . . I just didn’t want it to stop there. I got carried away, too.”
He swallowed and started slowly, “There’s nothing keeping you from relieving your desires with. . . someone else.”
“That won’t make me want your rod any less,” she said, looking him in the eye and noting the glint’s return. She thought she had made her point. “So are you going to give it to me?” she batted her eyelashes hopefully.
“Ugh, I give up. See, this is exactly why I didn’t tell you I wanted to have sex with you in the first place.”
He raised a brow, “You specifically predicted this shit?”
“Not really. . . but I knew it would make things complicated and uncomfortable.”
“I feel neither of those things, brat. It’s pretty fucking simple: your vagina stays Acker-meat-free,” he began rounding the island, “but almost anything else is dandy. Let me at this steak. . . damnit. . .” He had bumped into Simone, who was moving towards the fridge as he moved to for the plate. She dropped a floret of broccoli in the other side of the island.
“Just push me over then, shorty,” she said, leaning across the counter to retrieve the morsel.
Levi watched her stretch lithely on the stone. She caught him and she grinned with wicked mirth as she remembered a crucial fact. “He has a penis.” She slowly wagged her hips and watched his eyes trail them like a dog waiting to fetch. “He can’t disobey it forever.” She jiggled her gelatinous cheeks in her slacks and he sucked in a slow breath. “Soon. I will have satisfaction.”
“Why were you wearing those socks last night?” he asked, interrupting her scheming.
She shrugged, “They made me feel sexy. I saw myself in the mirror before my bath and they just gave me that feelin’, ya know?” Levi went about his business with the steak beside her and she sipped cold orange juice, “Why?”
“That’s not your standard sleeping attire.”
“You don’t even know what my ‘standard sleeping attire’ is.”
“You’ve used my lap as a pillow enough, so I’d say I do,” he retorted. “Speaking of which, you usually strip as you walk in. Why not today?”
“I have to go grocery shopping today. I’m running low on everything, and I’m not used to having a guest. You run through all things anti-bacterial, Captain Clean. I think I deleted my list. . .” she thought aloud as she scrolled on her phone’s notes.
“You need a list? Is there much to choose from?” Levi asked somewhat perkily.
“Lots. Oh, here it is!”
“I’m coming with you,” Levi said, stuffing the last morsel of beef into his mouth and sliding off the stool hastily.
“I didn’t ask you to,” Simone called after him.
“You didn’t ask me last night either, but apparently it was right up your alley."
Simone fumed quietly over his little quip. “I wish it had gone farther up my alley.”

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