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The signs as History of Japan quotes (I had to do this xD This video is hilarious.. thank you tumblr)

Aries:  "They downgraded to a fuck ton. Did I say downgrade? I meant upgrade"

Taurus: "how bout I do anyway?"

Gemini: "no" a little quieter this time"

Cancer: "open the country. Stop having it closed"

Leo: "Can you maybe chill?" "How about maybe you chill?"

Virgo: "Ding dong it's the outside world"

Libra: "~how about sunrise land~"

Scorpio: "this sucks!!!!"

Sagittarius: "~bye~"

Capricorn: "in the year -1000000000 Japan might not have been here"

Aquarius: "rich people hired samurai. Poor people who could not afford samurai did not hire samurai"

Pisces: "Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and its ~beautiful~"

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