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How Many Cats The Signs Will End Up Having (I thought this was funny... idk)

Aries: 5 because 5 seems like an Aries number. it fits so well like oh my goodness

Taurus: 3 because they can't keep very many at one time. if they do, the cats will die from too much food and no sleep because they spent all their time eating Taurus' leftovers.

Gemini: do you seriously trust Gemini with animals...? jk, they'd have like 10. 10 seems like a good number of cats.

Cancer: 50 million. you can NEVER have too many cats. forget the allergies. all Cancer's are destined to at least have ONE cat. they need at cat to live.

Leo: 15. but they might have more because they're just so nice and that means they'll adopt every stray ever. maybe. or they'll die because Leo is a lion. and those cats are just cats ;-;

Virgo: 1-2. they cannot handle the annoyingness of all the cute kitties. I applaud any Virgo who can.

Libra: 7! 7 is a number everyone likes. everyone likes Libras. it's a match made in kitty heaven.

Scorpio: 12. even though Scorpios seem scary.. well they're scary cool. and their cats will totally be too.

Sagittarius: 20. they just need 20 cats, okay? they might die, but all Sagittarius' need to own 20 cats at one time. or something like that.

Capricorn: 100. goats and cats having a tea party is the cutest thing ever. I need it in my life. you need it in yours too.

Aquarius: 57. they're unique. so are people who own 50+ cats. I recommend the Sphynx. they're so weirdly cute with no hair.

Pisces: 489. they can start a cat zoo with Cancer. and cats loooove fish. it'll all work out nicely.

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