428 21 11

y'all should do me a really huge favor and follow red-lipstick

She's pretty lit and she's the one who really got me to 800 so I want to return the favor

follow please ily:))

The Signs as Bob Ross things

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The Signs as Bob Ross things

Aries: “just really make it come alive”

Taurus: tons and tons of mountains. he loved painting those rascals

Gemini: let’s paint this tree a friend. i think everyone should have a friend, they are very important

Cancer: on our canvas, there is no hate or pain. there is only peace and happiness

Leo: perhaps we love painting because we can control the canvas and the world we are creating

Virgo: let it happen! in the time you’ve been sitting around worrying you could’ve finished the whole painting

Libra: “now look at that. in just a matter of a few minutes we have something beautiful”

Scorpio: for every highlight we have to have some shadow, some darkness

Sagittarius: “the Almighty ___”

Capricorn: “oh what the heck. let’s do this.”

Aquarius: trees and leaves and bushes hidin’ in your brush

Pisces: look at all the happy little clouds just playing in the sky

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