Sister Signs and Cusps

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lovely A/N that you should pay attention to: I'm sorry that this is not an actual update, but it's just me ranting and explaining the sister signs because many people are getting it wrong.

But there WILL be an actual update AFTER this chapter.


Like I said in the A/N above, this isn't an update. And hopefully you'll read this, but if you do not care, you can go and wait until I actually update (which will be in a few minutes).

So we'll start with sister signs. A lot of people think that a sister sign is having a sister with the sign opposite of yours... no. That is not it at all.

But yes, a sister sign IS the sign complete opposite of yours.

For example, Cancer's sister sign is Capricorn. And sometimes the pair has a nickname. Some people call Cancer the mother of the zodiacs, and Capricorn the father of the zodiacs. It's really whatever though.

Another example of some sister signs are Aquarius and Leo.

So there you go. If you have a sister with the opposite sign, then good for you. I guess.

Anyways, onto cusps.

Now, in my opinion, cusps aren't really real. A lot of people think they are, a lot of people think they aren't. Yes, in the past I did believe they were real.

But let's be honest here.

Not everyone is going to be exactly like their sign. An old friend of mine was a fellow Cancer and she didn't act like me at all (Not that I'm full on Cancer, but I definitely act like the sign stereotype more). 

So, you know, cusps. Anyone born a day or three before/after the zodiac season changes is apparently two signs.

Again, in my opinion, that isn't true.

Now let's talk about my dad for a minute. Why are we talking about my dad? Well he was born February 18th, which is the last day of Aquarius. SO OH WOW, HE WAS BORN ON THE CUSP. HE'S AQUARIUS AND PISCES.

Not entirely.

Now, understand that most people go off of the stereotypes for the signs. And it kind of makes me sad that people do, but there's nothing I can do to fix that.

Since my dad was apparently born on the cusp, he's the perfect mix of Aquarius and Pisces or whatever.

Well going by the stereotypes, he's 100% Aquarius. Not Pisces. Again, we are going off of the stereotypes, but everyone goes off of those. So based off that, Pisces isn't a thing that he is.

So therefore, cusps don't make sense at all.

I know my dad really well (most people do know their dads really well but eh), and he doesn't act like a Pisces at all.

Sorry if this made no sense whatsoever, but if you really think about it, it does make sense.

In short, my dad was born on the cusp. So he's two signs. Yet he doesn't act like a freaking Pisces, and all the people I do know born on cusps, don't really act like two signs. Really, they act like themselves. Don't ever change yourself for anyone or anything, especially a stupid zodiac sign.


Feel free to share your opinion, I'll keep an open mind.


but i did just waste 20 minutes writing this.

oh well.

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