Deep Feelings

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This story will basically be in Ross's Part of View, sometimes Max's but mostly Ross's. He story will include everyone one but he main characters are Max and Ross. In large dialogue (max- m.  Ross-R...... Ect.)

Ross POV

  I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a while. *Ding* I hear my phone go off. I look at the screen and grab my glasses. It was a text from Adam.

Adam: Ross come to the offices at 8:30, we have lunch at 11:45 and after lunch we are coming to my house for jet skiing.

Ross: who'll be there?

Adam: me, Alesa, max, you, Red, and bernie.

Ross: okay. I'll be there in 15.

It was now 8:15, I got up and stretched for a second. I heard a knock on the door then it opened.

"Ross, hurry up lets go. Adam is waiting outside." Max said impatiently. He stood leaning on the left side of the door with his arms crossed. His head resting on the door way also, damn why was he so hot. "ROSS" he reassured me.

"W-what? Yeah." I came back  to my senses. Do I.... Have... No. ROSS STOP HES YOUR FRIEND. I yelled in my head.

"I'll wait for you outside." With that he walked away and closed the door.

"No... Stay...." I said quietly.

~Time skip to 8:30~

I finally got ready and went outside. Adam fell asleep with Tim in the front seats. Max was looking at me from the back seat and gestured that I sit next to him. I walked to the door and got in which woke Adam up and we left to start the day.

~Time skip to lunch Bcuz why nott~

Where are we goingggg?!" I whined from the back seat. Max lightly punches my Arm.

"Shut up Ross. We'll be there in a bit."

"Ow.. Okay." I looked over to max. He was looking out the window. Staring at the black road. He looked cute when he wasn't paying attention.

"WERE HERE!" Adam suddenly yelled to us. I jumped from Adams loud voice and got out of the car and onto the parking lot. Max was on the other side of the car and Barney was next to me.

"Rot gos! Befores they leavings us!" Barney said. I clicked back to reality and started jogging over to max and Adam with Barney trailing behind me.

"So where we goin?" I said when I reached them.

"Taco truck!" Adam pointed to the taco truck near by and started running.

"Hey!" Max yelled as he ran after him. Barney and I walked there peacefully.

Time skip to Adams house~~~

"Did everyone bring trunks?" Adam said as he walked into the living room where we were all sitting.

"Yeah." Max said

"Yalarr!" Barney chanted.

"Uh.. Yeah." I was dazed to the water outside.

"Yes!" Red yelled.

We all went to get dressed and walked outside. Max wasn't shirtless a lot. Maybe never. But he wore nothing on him but is trunks and a life jacket.  So did all of us but I couldn't help but feel attracted to him.

"We only have 3 JetSkis so pair up" Adam said as he came out with Alesa.

Red and Barney paired so that left me with max.

"Ugh.." Max grumbled as he got in the front of the JetSki.  Got on after him and held him. I could feel my face start to redden.

"Let's goo." I said breaking the silence.


Wen I got on the jet ski I could feel a pair of arms wrap around me. It was Ross's... I liked him. It I didn't know how to tell him, or if he even felt the same way.  His embrace made me blush, I felt him a lot back a little and his arms move away from my body. I could feel myself stiffen up.

"Let's goo." He said.

How was chapter one? I think it was great. ^-^

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